Troubleshooting in the UI Test perspective
You can find information about the issues or problems that you might encounter while
working with IBM® DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) in the UI Test
perspective. Details about issues, their causes and the resolutions that you can apply to
fix the issues are described in this section.
Unable to play back Web UI tests when certain web applications are redirected to a different URL When you record a Web UI test and enter the URL of the web application that you want to test, the application might be redirected to a different URL. When you play back this recorded Web UI test, the playback fails.Unable to open a browser for the Web UI test playback When you play back a Web UI test, the test fails occasionally before IBM DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) opens a browser.The AUT displays the 403 forbidden error When you record or play back a Web UI test, the application under test (AUT) fails to open and displays the 403 forbidden error.Unable to verify content in a Windows test When you play back a Windows test with a content verification point, the test fails to verify the text content.Unable to run Web UI tests on a remote agent on Linux When you run Web UI tests on a remote agent that runs on Linux, the browser fails to launch. Unable to run Web UI tests on Android devices or emulators When you want to run Web UI tests on industry-standard mobile browsers of Android devices or emulators, Test UI does not display the list of devices or emulators.Unable to run Web UI tests on an Android 13 device or emulator When you run Web UI tests in Google Chrome versions that are earlier than 110 on an Android 13 device or emulator, the browser fails to open.Unable to run mobile tests on BrowserStack Cloud When you run mobile tests on an Android or iOS device or emulator on BrowserStack Cloud, the test run fails with the error: Could not start a new session. Possible causes are invalid address of the remote server or browser start-up failure. Unable to run iOS mobile tests on pCloudy Cloud When you run mobile tests on an iOS device or emulator on pCloudy Cloud, the test run fails with the error: Could not start a new session. Response code 500. Message: Appium Server Error due to some reason. Playback failure of the submenu actions When you playback a Web UI test, the test fails on the submenu actions that are beneath the overlaid control.Unable to generate tests in a Linux or Mac operating system When you install IBM DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) on a Linux or Mac operating system and create a test, occasionally, the test generation fails with NullPointerException.Unable to record the right-click action on a Mac operating system When you record a Web UI test and generate the test on a Mac operating system, the right-click action is not recorded correctly.Unable to run tests in a Mac operating system When you install the latest version of IBM DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) on a Mac operating system that has Java 8 or older version installed, and then run a test, the test run fails with an error.Unable to record or play back Web UI tests in Edge on Linux When you use Microsoft Edge on Linux systems, you cannot record or play back a Web UI test. IBM DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) opens Google Chrome instead of Microsoft Edge when you start recording or play back a Web UI test and the test fails.Chrome does not open correctly in the headless mode When you run a Web UI test in the headless mode in Google Chrome, the browser does not open correctly in the maximized window, and the screen resolution is not the same as that was used while recording the test.Troubleshooting issues when testing in Internet Explorer This topic can help you troubleshoot some of the problems that you might encounter in Web UI testing.Error in launching Chrome on Android devices When you play back a Web UI test in the Chrome browser that is installed on an Android device, the playback does not start and the unified report displays an error message.Web UI tests fail in Windows or Linux on Android devices When you change the value of the WEBDRIVER_CHROME_DRIVER_MOBILE environment variable in the Windows or Linux operating system, and then run a Web UI test on the Android device, emulator, or simulator connected to the system, the test fails.Web UI tests fail in Mac on Android devices When you change the value of the WEBDRIVER_CHROME_DRIVER_MOBILE environment variable in the Mac operating system, and then run a Web UI test on the Android device, emulator, or simulator connected to the system, the test fails.Troubleshooting issues when testing Android applications When you perform mobile tests on Android applications, you might face issues. You can find details about issues, their causes, and the resolutions that you can apply to fix the issues.Troubleshooting issues when testing iOS applications You can find information about the issues or problems that you might face while you perform mobile tests for iOS applications. Details about issues, their causes, and the resolutions that you can apply to fix the issues are described.Error messages This section provides information about error messages that you might encounter with IBM DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) . This section lists the error messages by ID, explanation, system action and your response to correct the error message.Frequently asked questions This section provides answers to frequently asked questions about the IBM DevOps Test UI Web UI extension.