Unable to find the correct control by using the Insert Test Object option

When you try to add a step in the functional test script by using the Insert Test Object option, IBM® DevOps Test UI (Test UI) fails to find the correct control.


Test UI fails to find and highlight the correct control with a red rectangle if the display scaling is incorrect, and if some settings in the Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome browser are not suitable for the AUT.


  1. Ensure that the display scaling of the system always remains at 100%.
  2. Open the browser settings to disable the options that support the apps and processes running in the background when the browser is closed.

    Go to step 3 for Edge or go to step 4 for Chrome.

  3. Disable the following options on the System and performance page in Edge:
    • Startup boost
    • Continue running background extensions and apps when Microsoft Edge is closed
  4. Disable the Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed option on the System page in Chrome.
  5. Restart the browser and open the application for testing.
  6. Add steps in the functional test by using the Insert Test Object option.
    Note: If the problem persists, contact the support team.