Setting delays and sleep states for functional test script playback

You can insert a sleep command into your functional test script to delay the script for the amount of time you specify.

To insert a sleep code while recording or editing a script:

  1. If recording, click the Insert Script Support Commands button Insert Script Support Commands button on the Recording Monitor toolbar.

    If editing:

    1. Position the pointer in the script where you want to insert the Sleep command.
    2. On the product toolbar, click the Insert Recording into Active Functional Test Script button Insert Recording into Active Functional Test Script button.
    3. On the Recording Monitor toolbar, click the Insert Script Support Commands button Insert Script Support Commands button.
  2. In the Script Support Functions dialog, click the Sleep tab.
  3. In the (seconds) field, enter the time in seconds you want to delay the Functional Test script execution. You can use floating point numbers for the seconds; for example, sleep(0.1) waits for 1/10 of a second.
  4. Click Insert Code.

    Test UI inserts the sleep(seconds) code at the cursor location in the script where seconds is the time you entered in the (seconds) field.