Searching for GEF objects

IBM® DevOps Test UI (Test UI) recognizes the GEF EditParts and Palettes. Some Figures may not have an association with an EditPart. You can use Test UI APIs to find such Figures as shown in the below examples.

Example 1: The following example shows how to use getFigure() API to retrieve a Figure that has the text "label" and is not associated with EditPart
//Get the figure for an EditPart
		GuiTestObject figureTO = EntityEditPart().getFigure();		
//Find for a figure that has the text in it.
		TestObject foundTO[] = figureTO.find(atDescendant("text", "label"));
		if(foundTO != null)
			int numFound = foundTO.length;
			for(int index = 0; index < numFound ; index ++)
				if(foundTO[index] != null && foundTO[index] instanceof GuiTestObject)
					//To check for specific property on the figure
					Object figWidth = foundTO[index].getProperty("width");
					if(figWidth != null)
Example 2: The following example shows how to use getConnectors() API to perform click operation on the connector that has the label "Association"
//List the connectors from the node's parent
		TestObject parent = EntityEditPart().getParent();
		if(parent != null && parent instanceof GefEditPartTestObject)
			TestObject connectors[] = ((GefEditPartTestObject)parent).getConnectors();

			if(connectors != null)
				int numConnector = connectors.length; 
				for(int conIndex = 0; conIndex < numConnector; conIndex ++)
					if(connectors[conIndex] != null && connectors[conIndex] instanceof GefEditPartTestObject)
						GuiTestObject figConnector = ((GefEditPartTestObject)connectors[conIndex]).getFigure();
						//Find for a figure that has some text in it.
						TestObject foundConn[] = figConnector.find(atDescendant("text", "association"));
						if(foundConn != null && foundConn.length> 0)						
							//If there is only one label with the text "Association"
							if(foundConn[0] != null && foundConn[0] instanceof GuiTestObject)



Example 3: The following example populates a list with connectors that are descendants to the selected EditPart using the isConnector () API

//Assuming you have "RootEditPart" in the ObjectMap.
	ArrayList connList = new ArrayList();
  	private static void enumerateAllConnectors(TestObject editPart,ArrayList connList)
		if(editPart != null )
			if(editPart instanceof GefEditPartTestObject)
				boolean isConnector = ((GefEditPartTestObject)editPart).isConnector();
			TestObject []children = editPart.getChildren();
			if(children != null)
				int numChild = children.length;
				for(int i=0; i < numChild ; i++)
					enumerateAllConnectors(children[i], connList);