Lesson 2: Record a simplified test script

In this lesson, you record a simplified test script by using the recorder to test the Java application that is installed with the product.

Begin recording

  1. To start recording, click the Record a Functional Test Script icon (Record Script) in the Functional Test toolbar.
  2. Select the SimplifyTutorial project that you created in Lesson 1.
  3. In Script name, type Order.
    Do not select the Add script to Source Control, if it is available.
  4. Click Next.

    When you create a test script, a test dataset and other test assets are created. Use the defaults for Private Test dataset and Sequential. A private test dataset is associated with only one script and is not available to any other scripts. When you use the sequential order, the test script accesses dataset records in the order that they are arranged in the dataset.

  5. Click Finish.

    The IBM® DevOps Test UI (Test UI) window automatically minimizes, and the Recording Monitor is displayed.

    Learn more about Recording Monitor: The Test UI Recording Monitor toolbar is displayed every time you begin recording a simplified script. You can minimize the monitor if you do not want to see the monitor on the screen. You can also resize the monitor. Click the Display Monitor icon (Display Monitor) to view the monitor messages. Leave the monitor displayed during this tutorial. The monitor displays messages for every action that you perform during your recording session, such as starting and pausing the recording, starting an application or browser, clicking within an application, inserting verification points, and inserting other items into the script.

Start the application and record the actions

Next, open the ClassicsJavaA application and record placing an order in the application.
  1. To start the test application, click the Start Application icon (Start Application).
  2. In the Start Application window, select ClassicsJavaA, and then click OK.

    The tutorial sample application, ClassicsCD, opens. If the recording monitor is in front of the application, you can drag it to the lower right corner of the screen.

  3. Click the plus sign (+) next to Bach to open the list of CDs for sale by that composer, and then click Violin Concertos.
  4. Click Details page to view the description of the album.
  5. Click Place Order.
  6. In the Member Logon window, keep the default settings of Existing Customer and Trent Culpito
  7. Type xxxx in the Password field.
  8. Click OK.
  9. In the Place an Order window, type 1234 1234 1234 1234 in the Card Number field, and then type 12/12 in the Expiration Date field. Show Me

Lesson checkpoint

In this lesson you learned these tasks:
  • How to start recording a test script
  • How to use recording monitor
  • How to open the test application