Customizing PDF files exported from unified reports

When you want to change the default view of PDF files that are exported from unified reports, you can customize the view of the exported PDF files.

You must have run tests in IBM® DevOps Test UI (Test UI) that have generated the unified reports.
You can open the eclipse.ini file and add the required parameters with their values in the file to customize the PDF when you export a unified report. After you save the eclipse.ini file, you must then restart IBM DevOps Test UI before you export unified reports.
  1. Open the eclipse.ini file that is located in the
    C:\Program Files\IBM\DevOpsTest folder.
  2. Determine the parameters that you want to set as a preference in the eclipse.ini file from the parameters listed in the following table:
Parameter Supported values Action
  • false
  • true

Perform any of the following actions:

  • Enter this parameter with the value set to false, if you already set the value to true and you want to revert to the default view.

    When the value is set to false, the verification points in the test steps are not highlighted and details are displayed in a tabular form in the exported PDF.

    For example, enter the following parameter to view details of test steps in the tabular form, without highlighting the verification points: -Dreport.skipTableInPdf=false.

    Note: This setting is the default preference for the exported PDF files for unified reports in IBM DevOps Test UI.
  • Enter this parameter with the value set to true. When the value is set to true, the verification points in the test steps are highlighted and the step details in the tabular form are not displayed in the exported PDF.

    For example, enter the following parameter to view test steps where the verification points are highlighted but the step details in the tabular form are not displayed: -Dreport.skipTableInPdf=true.

-Dreport.snapShotSize Size of images relative to the page-width

Enter a value between 50 and 100 so that the images are increased to fit within the page margins in the exported PDF.

For example, enter the following parameter to increase the width of the images to fit within 75% of the page width while the height is increased proportionately: -Dreport.snapShotSize=75.

  • If the parameter value is empty, or if you did not add this parameter in the eclipse.ini file, IBM DevOps Test UI automatically sets the size of images to 50% of the page width as the default size.
  • You can use this parameter, only when you have set -Dreport.skipTableInPdf=true.
-Dreport.skipActionEventImageList [objectType]:[methodName]

Enter the name of the objects in the SAP GUI application along with the name of the methods. You can use the pipe character | as the delimiter between different objects.

The corresponding screen captures are excluded in the generated PDF.

  • This parameter is applicable for SAP GUI applications only.
  • You can use this parameter only if you have installed IBM DevOps Test Performance with IBM DevOps Test UI in the shell-shared mode.
  • You can use this parameter only when you set -Dreport.skipTableInPdf=true.

For example, enter the following values for the parameter to exclude images captured for the maximize and setTest methods of the GuiMainWindow and GuiCheckBox objects, respectively: -Dreport.skipActionEventImageList=GuiMainWindow:maximize|GuiCheckBox:setTest

  1. Save the eclipse.ini file.
  2. Restart IBM DevOps Test UI with the -clean option.

You have successfully customized the view of the exported PDF from unified reports.

You can view and export the unified reports. See Exporting unified reports.