Frequently asked questions about DevOps Test UI

For answers to some generic questions on using IBM® DevOps Test UI (Test UI), see this topic.

What is the installation path of Test UI?

By default, Test UI is installed in the following path:
  • Windows: C:\Program Files\IBM\DevOpsTest
  • Linux: /opt/IBM/DevOpsTest
  • macOS: /Applications/IBM/DevOpsTest

What is the workspace path of Test UI?

By default, the workspace is created in the following path:
  • Windows: C:\Users\<user_name>\IBM\devopstest\workspace
  • Linux: /home/<user_name>/IBM/devopstest/workspace
  • macOS: /Users/<user_name>/IBM/devopstest/workspace

What is the path of user preference settings?

By default, the user preference settings are stored in the following path:
  • Windows: C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\IBM\DTUI
  • Linux: /home/<user name>/IBM/DTUI
    Note: The important files are hidden in this path.

What is the path of customization files?

By default, the customization files are in the following path:
  • Windows: C:\ProgramData\IBM\DTUI\customization
  • Linux: /etc/opt/IBM/DTUI/customization

What is the path of configuration files?

By default, the configuration files are in the following path:
  • Windows: C:\ProgramData\IBM\DTUI\configuration
  • Linux: /etc/opt/IBM/DTUI/configuration
  • macOS: ~/Library/IBM/DTUI/configuration

Does Test UI support the testing of my application?

Test UI supports applications that are developed using certain technologies. Verify the type of technology that is used to develop the test application, and verify if Test UI supports functional testing of the domains and the controls in the application. If Test UI supports the technology, and does not support a specific control for functional testing by default, you can use Proxy SDK to develop proxies that enable support for specific controls.

For information about supported domains, see Test application domain support.

For information about using Proxy SDK, see Introduction to Proxy SDK.

Can Test UI be used to test Eclipse-based applications?

Yes. For configuration details, see Eclipse Support.

Is the Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE) provided with Test UI?

If your Test UI installation detects another Rational Software Development Platform (SDP) tool on the workstation or an existing Eclipse installation, it shares the IDE shell on the workstation. If no other SDP tool is found on the workstation, Test UI installs its own instance of the shell. Test UI shares the shell with Rational® Software Architect, Rational Application Developer, DevOps Test Performance, or any of the Rational Software Development Platform offerings .

For information about shell sharing, see the technote

How do I enable debugging in Test UI?

When you encounter a problem, debugging might be helpful to obtain more information about the possible causes of the problem. The problem can be in playback as well as in recording. To set the Test UI Debug Perspective preference, see the instructions in Debugging scripts.

How do I transfer the information specified in the Application Configuration Tool to playback agent machines?

Test UI scripts contain startApp API calls to start your application under test at run time. For example:
At run time, the startApp command matches the string that is passed to it, with the corresponding entry in the Application Configuration Tool on the local playback machine. If no matching entry is found, an exception occurs and the playback fails:
com.rational.test.ft.script.RunException: CRFCN0630E: Cannot find application [IBM] in the configuration file.

To avoid this exception, applications must be configured for testing on the playback workstation before the scripts are played back. For instructions to configure your applications for testing, see Configuring applications for testing.

If you have multiple applications to test, manually specifying the application information in the Application Configuration Tool can be time consuming. Instead, you can copy the application configuration information between workstations, avoiding the need to manually enter this information.

Perform the following steps to transfer the details of configured applications between workstations:
  1. Open the C:\ProgramData\IBM\DTUI\configuration\configurations.rftcfg file in a text editor. This XML file stores the information specified in Application Configuration Tool.
  2. Copy the information contained within these tags:
    <ApplicationList L=".ApplicationList">
  3. Paste this information in the C:\ProgramData\IBM\DTUI\configuration\configurations.rftcfg file on your additional workstations.
  4. Save the changes and restart Test UI.
  5. Click Configure > Configure Applications for Testing to open Application Configuration Tool.
    Alternatively (or if you do not have a scripting environment installed), you can use the following command from command line interface to open Application Configuration Tool:
    "%IBM_RATIONAL_RFT_ECLIPSE_DIR%\jdk\jre\bin\java" -classpath "%IBM_RATIONAL_RFT_INSTALL_DIR%\rational_ft.jar" com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -appConfig
    The updated information is displayed in Application Configuration Tool.

How do I run Test UI under a different Java™ Runtime Environment (JRE)?

In a normal Eclipse-based Test UI installation, Test UI uses its own JRE, or the JRE of the Eclipse-based shell in which it has been installed. However, you can specify the JRE to be used, if required. Use the -vm argument at the command prompt to specify the JRE to be used:
"C:\Program Files\IBM\DevOpsTest\eclipse.exe" -vm "C:\Progra~1\j2sdk1.4.1_02\bin\javaw.exe"
Note: The Java version is only provided as an example. You can specify any Java version that is supported by Test UI.
You can also change the JRE permanently by editing the eclipse.ini file in the SDP directory or by editing this registry key:
Note: These steps to change the JRE are applicable only to Java-based Test UI installations and not to installations in Microsoft Visual Studio for .NET.

How do I cleanly uninstall Test UI on Microsoft Windows?

See Uninstalling DevOps Test UI cleanly.

How do I enable the browser environments for testing applications on Microsoft Windows systems compliant with Federal Desktop Core Configuration (FDCC)?

Do these steps if you encounter problems trying to enable the browser environment for testing applications on FDCC compliant Microsoft Windows computers:

To enable the Internet Explorer 7 and Internet Explorer 8 browsers:
Note: This workaround is not required when you enable these browsers in Test UI, version
  1. Click Start > Run. In the Run window, type regedit.
  2. In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Enable Browser Extensions key in the Registry Editor, enable the third party browser extensions.
Note: Ensure that the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) corresponding to Internet Explorer 7 and Internet Explorer 8 is properly enabled and aligned with the browser.
To enable the Mozilla Firefox browser:
  1. Click Tools > Add-Ons.
  2. Navigate to the <Install_Directory>\FunctionalTester\bin\enabler directory.
  3. Drag the enabler files RtxFFEnabler.xpi (for Firefox 2.0) , RtxFF3Enabler.xpi (for Firefox 3.0) , RtxFF35Enabler.xpi (for Firefox 3.5) and RtxFF36Enabler.xpi (for FireFox 3.6) to Add-Ons in Firefox.
  4. Click Install.

Can Test UI be used with a project enabled for Unified Configuration Management (UCM)?

Yes. However, Test UI supports only single-stream UCM.

Does configuring the application under test (AUT) modify the AUT?

Configuring an application does not modify it. It is analogous to setting up a system of shortcuts so that Test UI can start the application.

What happens when Internet Explorer is enabled?

Internet Explorer is enabled by registering a browser helper object (BHO) with Internet Explorer. In the registry, this key is added if Internet Explorer has been properly enabled:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{1E9FB1C4-F40B-4E10-898E-D6209B122F6B}	Rational IE Enabler

What are the language limitations for Test UI scripts?

Test UI uses standard Java. All the normal Java functions are available in functional test scripts and no subset of the language with custom extensions is used.

How to use a customized DLL in Test UI for Microsoft® .NET?

Perform one of the following actions to add a customized DLL:
  • Add the DLL file to the Test UI <Install_Directory>\bin directory, and then add the name of the DLL file to netAssembliesForCompiler.txt in the same directory.
  • Add the DLL file to the C:\ProgramData\IBM\DTUI\customization directory.