Configuring IBM Cloud Private
To make use of automated workflows in IBM® Cloud Private, you can install it and push the Docker containers to it.
Install and set up IBM Cloud Private-CE.
For more information, see documentation.
Install the IBM Cloud Private Command Line Interface (CLI).
For more information, see documentation.
Download the Test UI and IBM DevOps Test Performance Agent container images from the same location you downloaded the product
The images are in the form of Passport Advantage (PPA) files. You can load the PPA files directly to IBM Cloud Private instead of extracting the Docker image out of it.
Load the images into Docker repository:
For Windows, use the command in GitBash:
$ docker load -i "imageFileName.tar.gz"
For Linux, use the terminal:tar --wildcards --to-command='docker load' -xzf imageName 'images/*'
Note: The imageName can be the agent image ibm-rpta-9.2.1.tar.gz or the workbench image.When the image is loaded, following message is displayed - Loaded image: imageFileName:versionNumber - Before pushing the Docker image to IBM Cloud Private cluster, configure the authentication from Docker CLI. For more information, see the documentation.
Load the images to the IBM Cloud Private cluster by using any of the following methods:
Use Docker to log in to the cluster and push the image:
- To log in from your client system to the private image
$ docker login cluster_CA_domain:8500
- To tag the
$ docker tag imagename:tagname cluster_CA_domain:8500/namespacename/imagename:tagname
- To push the images to the
docker push cluster_CA_domain:8500/namespacename/imagename:tagname
- To log in from your client system to the private image
Use the IBM Cloud Private CLI to push the images:
bx pr load-ppa-archive --archive ibm-rpta-imageVersion.tar.gz
bx pr load-ppa-archive --archive ibm-devops-test-workbench-imageVersion.tar.gz
Use Docker to log in to the cluster and push the image: