Creating verification points from the SmartShot View

You can create some verification points in a test with simplified scripts by using the SmartShot View. A verification point can be added for an object or created for the properties of the object.

To be able to create verification points, you must create variables in the test editor. See Declaring and assigning test variables.
You can create verification points for any of the widgets or widget properties.
To create verification points:
  1. In Test UI, open the test script, and in the Test Contents area, click an action item for which you want to create a verification point.
  2. In the SmartShot View, select an object in the SmartShot tab, an item in the hierarchical list of Elements, or a property in the table.
  3. Right-click and click Create Verification Point for propertyName. Note that the properties displayed will be limited to those available for the selected object. A new step is added to the test script for the verification point.
  4. Select a value in Graphic object and a value for the objects property in Verify attribute.
You can also modify a verification point using the drag and drop method:
  1. Select a step with a verification point. In the SmartShot tab, select a property available in the table of properties for the target object, drag the property and drop it on the test script or on the verify attribute field. The object property and its value are showing in the test step and in the appropriate fields in the Check Action Details area.
    You can also add images as main property in a verification point with the same method. You select an image in the SmartShot view, drag and drop it on the Identified by field.
  2. Save the test.