Unable to test Java applications in Linux and Windows

When you run a functional test for a Java application on a Linux or Windows operating system, the test run fails.


The configurations.rftcfg file might not have the new Java path appended with /lib or \lib if you migrated from an earlier version of Test UI to 11.0.2.

You can choose either Resolution 1 or 2 to resolve the issue.

Resolution 1

On Windows:

You must ensure that the following path is configured in C:\ProgramData\IBM\DTUI\configuration\configurations.rftcfg:
<JVMList L=".JVMList">
<JVM L=".JVM"> 
    <Path>$R(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\DevOps Test UI\Rational FT JRE)\lib</Path> 

On Linux:

You must ensure that the following path is configured in /etc/opt/IBM/DTUI/configuration/configurations.rftcfg:
<JVMList L=".JVMList">
<JVM L=".JVM"> 
    <Path>$(Rational FT JRE)/lib</Path> 

Resolution 2

Perform the following actions:
  1. Go to Configure > Enable Environments for Testing in the Functional Test perspective.
  2. Click the Java Environments tab.
  3. Add /lib for Linux or \lib for Windows at the end of the existing path in the Path field.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Verify that the path is updated in the configurations.rftcfg file.