Error messages
This section provides information about error messages that you might encounter with
IBM® DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) . This section lists the error
messages by ID, explanation, system action and your response to correct the error
CRRTWF0001E There was an error in asserting the IBM DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) log type.CRRTWF0002E There was an error in getting an image for the IBM DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) type.CRRTWF0003E There was an error while verifying if IBM DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) is installed.CRRTWF0004I IBM DevOps Test Workbench (Test Workbench ) sending command to open LogCRRTWF0005I After sending command to open LogCRRTWF0006E There was an error in opening the IBM DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) script.CRRTWF0007I IBM DevOps Test Workbench (Test Workbench ) sending command to open ScriptCRRTWF0008I After sending command to open ScriptCRRTWF0009I Opening IBM DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) Script in IBM DevOps Test Workbench PerspectiveCRRTWF0010I Opening IBM DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) Script in IBM DevOps Test Workbench PerspectiveCRRTWF0011E There was an error in opening the IBM DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) script in the __WUT_PRODUCT_NAME__ perspective.CRRTWF0012I About to execute IBM DevOps Test UI ScriptCRRTWF0013I After the IBM DevOps Test UI Script ExecutionCRRTWF0014E There was an error in executing the IBM DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) script.CRRTWF0015E Shell-sharing of IBM DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) with __WUT_PRODUCT_NAME__ might not be configured.CRRTWF0016E No selection is available to complete the operation.CRRTWF0017E An invalid extension was defined for IBM DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) integration.CRRTWF0018E There was an error in sending requests to IBM DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) .CRRTWF0019E There was an error in obtaining the IBM DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) test path.CRRTWF0020E There was an error in generating code for IBM DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) .CRRTWF0101E Exception in Setting Test Path of IBM DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) TestCRRTWF0102E Exception in refresh of Editor TreeCRRTWF0103E Exception in opening the editorCRRTWF0104E Exception while renaming Functional Test Script AssetsCRRTWF0105E Exception while setting the job schedule for Renaming Functional Test Script AssetsCRRTWF0201I IBM DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) is not installed.CRRTWF0202I Inflating Project during executionCRRTWF0203E There was an error while executing a IBM DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) script.CRRTWF0204E Exception in parsing Functional LogCRRTWF0205E A class could not be loaded during executionCRRTWF0206E A directory could not be created during executionCRRTWF0301E The execution results could not be parsed.CRRTWF0302E The property value of a verification point could not be fetched.CRRTWF0303E A command to get the verification point could not be created.CRRTWF0304E There was an error in getting a command parameter that is needed to open the verification point comparison editor.CRRTWF0305E The verification point comparison editor could not be opened.CRRTWM0001E Missing message for log entry '{0} ' in class: {1} CRRTWM0002E Cannot get Log key '{0} ': SecurityException raised.CRRTWM0003E Cannot initialize Log key '{0} 'CRRTWM0004E IExtendedType '{0} ' already defined, at extension point '{1} 'CRRTWM0008W Warning: field '{0} ' is not defined in class: {1} CRRTWM0009W Warning: Cannot check a message against log key mapping for '{0} ' of class {1} , SecurityException raised.CRRTWM0010E Unexpected exception, please check Error Log view: {0} CRRTWM0011W Mismatch between number of formal bindings and number of icu bindings for key {0} CRRTWM0012W Cannot parse number from string '{0} ', a parameter of the translated message {1} for icu bindingsCRRTWM1001E unexpected exceptionCRRTWM1002E Error getting persistent property '{0} 'CRRTWM1003E Error setting persistent property '{0} 'CRRTWM1004E Cannot reload device listCRRTWM1005E Cannot reload application listCRRTWM1006E Cannot save editor '{0} 'CRRTWM1007E Cannot reload resource '{0} 'CRRTWM1008E IExtendedTypeUI '{0} ' already defined, at extension id='{1} 'CRRTWM1009E Failed to generate QRCode image, content is:'{0} 'CRRTWM1010I Imported package '{0} ' is not rebuild because application '{1} ' already exists ({2} )CRRTWM1011E Cannot update original package of Web application: '{0} ' (build dir: '{1} ')CRRTWM1012E Mobile Run Wizard extension already defined for '{0} 'CRRTWM1013E Unable to run external command '{0} 'CRRTWM1014E Unable to handle menu from report: reason '{0} 'CRRTWM1015E Failed to download the driver for '{0} ' browser.CRRTWW0031E Exception in starting Edge browser.CRRTWM1101E unexpected exceptionCRRTWM1102E IExtendedTypeTegGen '{0} ' already defined, at extension id='{1} 'CRRTWM1201E Execution exceptionCRRTWM1202E Unexpected exceptionCRRTWM1203I Information: %1CRRTWM1206E Exception thrown during server address checkCRRTWM1210E Exception thrown during data harvestCRRTWM1211E Exception thrown during substitutionCRRTWM1301E Unexpected exceptionCRRTWM1302I Android USB controller process exited with exit code {0} \n{1} CRRTWM2001E unexpected exceptionCRRTWM2002E Enumeration type {0} doesn't exist in grammar {1} CRRTWM2003E IExtendedTypeCodeGen '{0} ' already defined, at extension id='{1} 'CRRTWM3001E Unable to find field {0} in objectCRRTWM3002E Unexpected exceptionCRRTWM4001E Unable to find field {0} in objectCRRTWM4002E Unexpected exceptionCRRTWM5001E Unexpected exceptionCRRTWM6001E unexpected exceptionCRRTWM6002E cannot load resource '{0} 'CRRTWM6003E cannot save resource '{0} 'CRRTWM6004E cannot create directory '{0} 'CRRTWM6005E cannot copy file '{0} ' to directory '{1} 'CRRTWM6011E exception thrown while configuring '{0} 'CRRTWM6012E exception thrown from component {0} while building from '{1} 'CRRTWM6013I from component {0} : {1} CRRTWM6020W state machine error thrown during executionCRRTWM6021E user error detected during execution: {0} CRRTWM6030W device data corrupted during properties update (data: '{0} ')CRRTWM7001E unexpected exceptionCRRTWM8001E Unexpected exception while dealing with {0} CRRTWM8010W Missing translation for key {0} CRRTWM9010E error while serving landing pageCRRTWS0001E An %1 exception occured during translationCRRTWS0002I "ClassName : %1 ProjectName : %2 IsJunit : %3 ExecutionArgs : %4"CRRTWS0101W Exception in opening Script %1 EditorCRRTWS0201W Exception in getting Source (src) folder from Project %1CRRTWS0202W Exception in setting Source for IFile : %1CRRTWW0001I Start of Web UI RecorderCRRTWW0002I Java Script Request ReceivedCRRTWW0003I Java Script Sent in (ms) = %1CRRTWW0004I Xhr Request ReceivedCRRTWW0005I Xhr Request Process StartCRRTWW0006I Xhr Response Time (ms) = %1CRRTWW0007E Exception in processing ActionCRRTWW0008E Exception while sending JavaScriptCRRTWW0009I Start of capturing snapshot;CRRTWW0010I End of capturing snapshot in (ms) = %1CRRTWW0011E Exception in capturing snapshotCRRTWW0012E Exception in sending Xhr responseCRRTWW0013I Processing Xhr Request by Recorder.CRRTWW0014I Stopping the recorder as browser is closedCRRTWW0015I Seems like Browser is Closed.CRRTWW0016I Web Application Node AddedCRRTWW0017E Exception in Recorder DelegateCRRTWW0018E Empty Json Action String. No Operation in Recorder.CRRTWW0019E Exception in setting recorder preferences.CRRTWW0019I InWindow FoundCRRTWW0020I InWindow AddedCRRTWW0021E Exception in setting Firefox browser preferences.CRRTWW0022E Exception in starting Chrome browser.CRRTWW0023E Exception in bringing browser to front.CRRTWW0024E Exception in starting Internet Explorer.CRRTWW0025E Exception in starting Safari.CRRTWW0026E Exception in starting Firefox.CRRTWW0027E Exception in computing the port from json.CRRTWW0028E Exception in serialization.CRRTWW0029E Exception in computing the browsers connected to workbench.CRRTWW0101I Registered %1 (%2), located at %3CRRTWW0102I Found %1 at %2CRRTWW0103W Web UI testing is supported on %1 version %2 or later. Found version %3CRRTWW0104W Could not find %1CRRTWW0105E Error determining the version of %1CRRTWW0106E There was a problem adding the browser %1CRRTWW0107E There was a problem setting the Web UI playback preferenceCRRTWW0109E There was an exception.CRRTWW0110E There was a problem scanning and marking the test.CRRTWW0140I Register BrowsersCRRTWW0150I Hybrid, invoking action using WebDriverCRRTWW0151I Script Method : %1CRRTWW0152I Invoke action "%1" on "%2"CRRTWW0153I Hybrid, invoking JavaScriptCRRTWW0154I Start %1 using %2CRRTWW0155I Done with execution.CRRTWW0156I Creating xpath for %1CRRTWW0157I Generated XPath %1CRRTWW0158I Searching by %1CRRTWW0159I Execute : %1CRRTWW0160I Found %1 objectsCRRTWW0161I Time taken (%1) = %2CRRTWW0162I Switched to window : %1CRRTWW0163I Return value from JS : %1CRRTWW0200E Exception : %1CRRTWW0201E %1 is not implemented.CRRTWW0202E Unexpected return value from JS, %1CRRTWW0203W Unable to delete fileCRRTWW0300W Failure to create directory during test generation.RMSE0003W RMSE0003W There are currently no selected counters for the source named {0} .RMSE0004W RMSE0004W The source named {0} is no longer available.RMSE0005W RMSE0005W The source named {0} is reporting the error message {1} .CRFCC0006E Object Maps not merged because target map file is read-onlyCRFCC0007E Map merge problemsCRFCC0008E Script Definition: Merge: The test object name is a reserved word test_object . Rename the test object {0}, and then check the script in.CRFCC0009E Option option_name is not definedCRFCC0010E -option_name option must be preceded by a -from mapFileName option.CRFCC0011E -option_name option must be preceded by a -to mapFileName option.CRFCC0012E The -option_name option must be followed by a map file name.CRFCC0013E Unable to complete the operation. The file file_name could not be copied. Typically, this is because you are out if disk space.CRFCC0014E Unable to complete the operation. The file file_name could not be copied. Typically, this is because you are out if disk space.CRFCC0015E Unable to create file file_name . Check to see if you have sufficient disk space.CRFCC0018E Unable to merge the directory. You must remove the conflict by renaming the file or script, or complete the graphical merge.CRFCC0020E Unable to copy file_name to file_path . Copy the file manually.CRFCC0021E Unable to checkout file_path . Make sure you have enough disk space.CRFCC0022E Unable to copy current_path to destination_path CRFCC0023E Unable to rename the file file_path CRFCC0024E Unable to checkout file_path CRFCC0030W You cancelled the merge. The selected item is not merged or checked in.CRFCC0031E You cancelled the merge. The shared map was merged and checked in. None of the other files in the script were checked in.CRFCC0032E You cancelled the merge. None of the files in the script were checked in.CRFCC0033E The checkin did not complete because object map could not be merged.CRFCC0034E Unable to update the Script Helper file. Select to re-create the helper. Then check in the script.CRFCC0035E Selected project is not a Functional Test project. Specify another repository type.CRFCC0037E Unable to perform operation. The functional test script needs to be checked-out before performing this operation.CRFCN0001E An invalid subitem was specified or IBM DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) does not support the specified subitem.CRFCN0002E Attempt to perform mouse operation on co-ordinates that are off-screen.CRFCN0003E Attempt to perform mouse operation on co-ordinates that are off-screenCRFCN0004E The requested action cannot be completedCRFCN0005E Operation not supported on UNIXCRFCN0006E Operation not supported on UNIXCRFCN0007E The action cannot be completed.CRFCN0008E Attempt to use a registered object after its associated object has been disposed.CRFCN0009E An attempt was made to use a {0} type TestObject after its associated object had been disposed of.CRFCN0012E Test object name is not included in the script definition script definitionCRFCN0013E The jvm_name JVM name is not defined. CRFCN0014E The specified JVM name is an empty string.CRFCN0015E The browser browser_name is not defined.CRFCN0016E The browser name specified was an empty string.CRFCN0017E The java_environment Java environment is not enabled.CRFCN0018E The line_number line of the script_name script contains an exception.CRFCN0019E The script_name script contains the exception on line line_number .CRFCN0020W No dataset has been initialized for this scriptCRFCN0021E The key_string keystring is not a valid character or tool name for an unprintable character.CRFCN0022E The mouse_move mouse event is not a valid low-level mouse action.CRFCN0023E A script asset cannot be renamed to the reserved word, reserved_word .CRFCN0024E The test object cannot be renamed to this name that is already in use: object_name CRFCN0025E The specified test object name does not exist: object_name CRFCN0026W A file already exists with the name of the proposed new project log folder: folder_name CRFCN0010E Invalid iteration count on playback of script.CRFCN0011E Error loading the Object Map.CRFCN0029E Error copying template.CRFCN0036E Cross project script call to project project_name not supported on agent machine.CRFCN0037E Unable to load script script_name from project project_name .CRFCN0038E Exception occurred during playback of script.CRFCN0039E Specified class cannot be found in the projectCRFCN0042E Shared dataset could not be loadedCRFCN0043E Failed to insert script commands into script at suggested location, line count failure.CRFCN0045E Please inspect your script file for special characters that may affect line computations.CRFCN0047E dataset could not be loadedCRFCN0048E Unable to record while there is an open modal dialog.CRFCN0056E The verification point name contains invalid characters.CRFCN0064E The specified dataset iteration count iteration_count is not valid.CRFCN0073E Application of unknown type.CRFCN0074E Could not start the applicationCRFCN0081E No Customization directory is specified.CRFCN0082E Error in RecognitionAttributes format error. CRFCN0094E The subitem subitem_name is not valid for a Find Property Set.CRFCN0096E Unable to locate entry in map with a null map id.CRFCN0104E Errors encountered processing source files in Object Map merge operation.CRFCN0105E Clipped screen rectangle is empty. CRFCN107E Unexpected test data type in dynamic VPCRFCN0110E InvokeTimeoutException raised for method on object idCRFCN0113E Cannot construct a registered objectCRFCN0114E Construct valuemanager failed while trying to add it to the test system. CRFCN0115E Construct property converter failed while trying to add it to the test system. CRFCN0116E Construct value converter failed while trying to add it to the test system. CRFCN0117E Construct display value class failed while trying to add it to the test system.CRFCN0118E Unable to open fileCRFCN0120E Could not locate the data fileCRFCN0121E Unprocessed objects from XML fileCRFCN0122E Extra base elements in XML fileCRFCN0140E Unable to resize window to specified dimensions dimension1 , dimension2 . CRFCN0141E Invalid argument to window move operation.CRFCN0142E Unable to move window to specified location: location1 , location2 .CRFCN0144E Cannot capture mouse: mouse already captured.CRFCN0145E LD_PRELOAD not set correctlyCRFCN0151E A visible property set method could not be located for Property: property_name : Class: class_name .CRFCN0152E Cannot get screen rectangle for subitem.CRFCN0153E Cannot get screen point for subitem.CRFCN0160E Error getting option information from the customization file.CRFCN0161E Error getting proxy information from the customization file.CRFCN0162E Error getting property converter information from the customization fileCRFCN0163E Error getting value manager information from the customization fileCRFCN0164E Error getting value converter information from the customization fileCRFCN0165E Error getting role information from the customization fileCRFCN0166E Error getting configuration information from the configuration fileCRFCN0168E Error getting image library information from the customization fileCRFCN0169E Error loading configuration fileCRFCN0170E Error storing configuration fileCRFCN0182E Value Out Of Range: value not in minValue to maxValue .CRFCN0185W Invalid numeric range specified: value CRFCN0192E The verification point baseline file is not available.CRFCN0193E Cannot record dynamic VP baseline when not in interactive mode: need to set option -rt.interactive trueCRFCN0194E Verification Point file does not existCRFCN0195E Dynamic Verification Point cannot update script definitionCRFCN0200E Error displaying help file file_name .CRFCN0203E Highlight failed: Test object name not found in script: object_id .CRFCN0209E Exception: className : exception CRFCN0210W No data selected for comparison. Select the checkboxes of the nodes you wish to test. Click YES to continue, NO to cancel.CRFCN0211W Do you want to keep a copy of the existing baseline?CRFCN0213W Unable to access assets for script: scriptName : className CRFCN0215W Test Object Map has been changed. Save changes?CRFCN0216W Do you really want to overwrite an existing Object Map?CRFCN0219W The map editor could not be hidden before displaying the Insert Test Object wizard opened.CRFCN0225W Unable to display help about new Test Objects in the Object MapCRFCN0226W Requested Test Object not in Map: Map id: mapId CRFCN0227E The source node can not be a child of the target node.CRFCN0228E The target node can not be a child of the source node.CRFCN0232W Verification Point has been changed. Save changes?CRFCN0234E The text editor cannot be edited while it is showing hidden characters.CRFCN0238W No test object selected to update recognition properties from.CRFCN0239W Be aware that updating an object with a different type of object is typically an error.CRFCN0240E No test objects that meets the search criteria were found.CRFCN0245E The type of value in line {lineNumber} is not correctCRFCN0246E .class property cannot be removed or changed weightCRFCN0247E The search could not be completed.CRFCN0248W You are now in Pause mode. Click the Resume toolbar button to resume browsing the application.CRFCN0249E The file_name help file cannot be displayed.CRFCN0251W To capture data for Windows and Net apps you must first hover over a window in the desired application and select the SHIFT key.CRFCN0252E Error updating method names in script.CRFCN0253E The page_name wizard page cannot be created.CRFCN0254E Configuration directory variable not set in registry. Changes will not be saved. Do you want to continue?CRFCN0255E The RATIONAL_FT_CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY environment variable is not set or has been changed. If you continue, your changes will not be saved. Do you want to continue?CRFCN0256W You are about to set a disabled JRE as the default. Are you sure you want to continue?CRFCN0257W You are about to set a disabled browser as the default. Are you sure you want to continue?CRFCN0258W Are you sure you want to remove the default JRE?CRFCN0259W Are you sure you want to remove the default browser?CRFCN0260W You are about to enable a currently unsupported browser. This is not recommended, and may result in browser corruption. Are you sure you want to continue?CRFCN0261W Are you sure you want to disable the default JRE?CRFCN0262W Are you sure you want to disable the default browser?CRFCN0264E JVM configured already. The JVM [jvmName] is at the same location.CRFCN0265E Browser configured already. The browser [browserName] is at the same location.CRFCN0266E The name cannot be changed as specified.CRFCN0267E A JVM named [jvmName] already exists - retaining the old JVMCRFCN0268E The name field cannot be empty. The current value, name , is retained.CRFCN0269E A browser is already named. The current browser and name are retained. browser_name .CRFCN0270E An Eclipse platform is already named. The current platform and name are retained. eclipse_platform .CRFCN0271E Errors encountered while starting browser.CRFCN0273W There is already another instance of the Enabler running. More than one Enabler instance cannot be started.CRFCN0274W The Application Configuration tool and Enabler cannot be run simultaneously.CRFCN0275W The Object Properties Configuration Tool and Enabler cannot be run simultaneously.CRFCN0276E JVM_name is not a file or directory in a Java environment. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) cannot be enabled.CRFCN0279E The JVM jvmName cannot be enabled until after the system is rebooted.CRFCN0280E Error enabling JVM JVM_name : exception_message .CRFCN0281E Failed to get install directory.CRFCN0282E A valid JVM could not be found at path jvmPathname . CRFCN0283E Internal error (invalid JVM object)CRFCN0284W Disabling the product's JRE is not recommended. Are you sure you want to disable this JRE?CRFCN0285E Error disabling JVM JVM_name : exception_message .CRFCN0286W A few of the enablement files used by the running JVM will be removed after the system restarts. You must not enable the JVM after a system restart.CRFCN0288E fileName file cannot be found among the installation files.CRFCN0289E The file could not be read.CRFCN0291E Cannot find IBM DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) installation directoryCRFCN0292E Error enabling browser.CRFCN0294E Error enabling third-party browser extensions.CRFCN0296E The browser at browser_path directory cannot be disabled. Reason: error_message CRFCN0299E Cannot modify installed-chrome.txt.CRFCN0300E Cannot write overlays.rdf.CRFCN0302E A browser is required to have a nameCRFCN0303E The file_name file is not the specified directory for an installed browser.CRFCN0304E Search directory does not exist.CRFCN0305E The enable_File cannot be modified.CRFCN0306E An Eclipse shell is required to have a nameCRFCN0307E The folder_name directory is not the directory of an installed Eclipse shell.CRFCN0308E The file_name file could not be opened. Exception_message .CRFCN0310E Has been commented out in FtIdMessages.propertiesCRFCN0317E The TSS log could not be opened.CRFCN0321E The log file could not be written to. The event_code code is unknown.CRFCN0325E The TSS_measure timer could not be started. The exception_code exception is reported.CRFCN0326E The TSS_measure timer could not be stopped. The exception_code exception is reported.CRFCN0327E The button_icon toolbar image could not be created. exception_message .CRFCN0328E The file_name file could not be saved. exception_message .CRFCN0329E The message cannot be displayed correctly. message_level .CRFCN0330E Error trying to output to the monitor exception_message .CRFCN0331E The Test Manager data store cannot be accessed.CRFCN0337E The source_name script source was not created in the current Rational project.CRFCN0342E The file_name file could not be opened. exception_message .CRFCN0343E Exception {result}CRFCN0345W The log already exists. Overwrite?CRFCN0346W Unable to remove the asset files for script scriptname . You can remove the script asset files using the Navigator view.CRFCN0347W Deleting mapname object map will make following projectname script(s) unusable. Do you want to delete mapname ?CRFCN0348W Deleting dataset dataset will make following projectname script(s) unusable. Do you want to delete dataset ?CRFCN0349W Project project1 is associated with Rational project project2 . If you delete this project, the corresponding script source in the Rational project will become invalid. Would you like to proceed?CRFCN0351E Could not create projectCRFCN0352E The project could not be connected to.CRFCN0353E Could not connect to the projectCRFCN0354W This project was created with an older version product which has been upgraded with major change. Click Yes to upgrade the project and connect, click No to abort. Warning: After upgrade, previous versions of the product will not be able to connect to the project. If the project is under Source Control, this operation will modify the server copy as well.CRFCN0355W This project was created with an newer version product. Incompatibilites could arise. Would you like to continue anyway?CRFCN0356W This project was created with an older version product which has been upgraded with minor change. Click Yes to upgrade the project and connect, click No to continue.CRFCN0357W Test suite support may not work properly without upgrading the project!CRFCN0358E No expected VP foundCRFCN0359E The Object Map associated with script does not exist.CRFCN0360W You cannot start recording while the Application Configuration Tool is open. Do you want to close the Application Configuration Tool and start recording?CRFCN0361W You cannot start the Enabler while the Application Configuration Tool is open. Do you want to close the Application Configuration Tool and start the Enabler?CRFCN0362W You cannot start the Object Properties Configuration Tool while the Application Configuration Tool is open. Do you want to close the Application Configuration Tool and start the Object Properties Configuration Tool?CRFCN0363E The script cannot be loaded.CRFCN0364W Couldn't find Test Object in application-under-test. Application may not be running or enabled, or your environment may not be enabled. Test Object may not be visible. Would you like to configure application for testing?CRFCN0365W You cannot start recording while the Enabler is open. Do you want to close the Enabler and start recording?CRFCN0366W You cannot start the Application Configuration Tool while the Enabler is open. Do you want to close the Enabler and start the Application Configuration Tool?CRFCN0367W You cannot start the Object Properties Configuration Tool while the Enabler is open. Do you want to close the Enabler and start the Object Properties Configuration Tool?CRFCN0368W You cannot start recording while the Object Properties Configuration Tool is open. Do you want to close the Object Properties Configuration Tool and start recording?CRFCN0369W You cannot start the Application Configuration Tool while the Object Properties Configuration Tool is open. Do you want to close the Object Properties Configuration Tool and start the Application Configuration Tool?CRFCN0370W You cannot start the Enabler while the Object Properties Configuration Tool is open. Do you want to close the Object Properties Configuration Tool and start the Enabler?CRFCN0371E The command-line value command_value for the option_variable option is not a valid number.CRFCN0372E The option_name option cannot be found.CRFCN0373E Error reading the configuration fileCRFCN0374E The compile operation could not be completed.CRFCN0375E File not found: file_name . The script script_name cannot be compiled.CRFCN0376E The command_name Java compiling command cannot be run. The Java error message follows: JavaError_message .CRFCN0377E Executing Java compiler command [{0}]\nExit code:\n[{1}]CRFCN0379E Load script class failed [script class] [msg]CRFCN0380E Construct script class failed.CRFCN0381E If either -{0} or -{1} options are specified, then both must be specified.CRFCN0382E Error occurred while trying to create the record toolbar CRFCN0383E -{0} must be followed by a pathCRFCN0384E Only one -{0} allowed in the command line argumentsCRFCN0385E -openscript command line option must be followed by a script nameCRFCN0386E -line must be followed by a line numberCRFCN0387E Line number must be a positive integerCRFCN0388E -openhelp command line option must be followed by a help topicCRFCN0389E The IDE specified "{0}" is not supportedCRFCN0390E Executing rational_ft command failedCRFCN0391E Executing rational_ft command [{0}] Error message [{1}]CRFCN0392E -startide must precede -openhelp <help-topic>CRFCN0393E -startide must precede -openscript <script-name>CRFCN0394E -startide must precede -recordscriptCRFCN0395E -startide must precede -createscriptCRFCN0396E -startide must precede -activateCRFCN0397E No datastore specifiedCRFCN0398E Invalid line number [{0}] specified. Must be greater than or equal to zero (0).CRFCN0399E No file name specifiedCRFCN0400E No file name specifiedCRFCN0401E No map name specifiedCRFCN0402E No actual VP file name specifiedCRFCN0403E Combine Maps: No target map file name specifiedCRFCN0404E Combine Maps: No source script definition or map file names specifiedCRFCN0405E Enabler does not have a JRE or browser by the name [{0}]CRFCN0406E A failure occurred trying to write the config for the executable.CRFCN0407E The Java system property specifies IBM DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) install directory that cannot be found.CRFCN0408E The installation directory specified in the system environment variable is null.CRFCN0409E -startide command line option must be followed by an idetype: wswplugin or vsdotnetCRFCN0410E -openscript command line option must be followed by a script nameCRFCN0411E -{0} must be followed by a help topicCRFCN0412E Only one -{0} allowed in the command line argumentsCRFCN0413E The -{0} directory [{1}] can not be found.CRFCN0414E -{0} command line option must be followed by a script name, or follow an option which specifies the script nameCRFCN0415E -{KeywordRecordOption}-{0} command line option must be followed by a keyword, RMT Datastore, keyword file and keyword script nameCRFCN0418E There is no data after the -{0} command line optionCRFCN0419E -{0} option only valid after a -playback option. It must follow a playback option and before the next record option.CRFCN0420E There is no project path after the -{projectPathOption} command line optionCRFCN0421E -{enableNameOption} option must be followed by a name of a browser or JRE configured in the Enabler.CRFCN0422E -{displayOption} option must be followed by a filenameCRFCN0423EE -{editOption} option must be followed by a filename.CRFCN0424E Expected/actual/baseline option must be followed by expected and actual RFTVP filenamesCRFCN0426EE -{createOption} option must be followed by a script name.CRFCN0427E -{createMap} option must be followed by a map filename.CRFCN0428E -{combineMaps} option must be preceded by a -map mapFileName option.CRFCN0429E -{helperOption} option must be followed by a script name.CRFCN0430E -{createHelperSuper} option must be followed by a full class name specification.CRFCN0431E -{CLIENT_MAILSLOT}option must be followed by a mail slot nameCRFCN0432E -{IDE_TYPE} option must be followed by the IDE typeCRFCN0433E -session_host must be followed by a hostnameCRFCN0434E -session_port must be followed by a port numberCRFCN0435E -session_id must be followed by a session id numberCRFCN0437E The -passwordOption option must be followed by a password.CRFCN0438E The -TM_PROJECT option must be followed by a full path and project file.CRFCN0439E The -LOG_BUILD option must be followed a build name.CRFCN0440E The -LOG_FOLDER option must be followed the name of a log folder.CRFCN0441E The -LOG_NAME option must be followed by a log name.CRFCN0442E -RESET_OPTION option must be followed by an option nameCRFCN0443E The -UPDATESCRIPTDEFS option must be followed by a boolean value (true or false).CRFCN0444E The -MAP/FROMMAP option must be followed by a datastore relative map file name.CRFCN0445E The - option must be followed by a datastore relative dataset file name.CRFCN0446E The -ITERATION_COUNT option must be followed by an iteration countCRFCN0447E The -ITERATION_COUNT option must be followed by a valid iteration count: value is not valid use ALL or a positive valueCRFCN0448E The -script option must be followed by a full script name.CRFCN0449E The INSERTAFTER option has an invalid line number: value CRFCN0450E -CREATE_TESTOBJECT option must be followed by a script name.CRFCN0451E -option command line option must be followed by a script name, or follow an option which specifies the script nameCRFCN0452E -insertionPoint command line option must be preceded by an insertion point, use option -INSERTBEFORE or - INSERTAFTER CRFCN0454E Option option_argument has no valueCRFCN0455E Log format log_format is not a known log format; must be in valid_log_format CRFCN0456E Command line argument argument considered to be an argument for the last -playback option because it does not match anything else. But no -playback option has been specified on the command line prior to this.CRFCN0457E An application is required to have a nameCRFCN0458E appName is not a valid applicationCRFCN0461E excMsg Default information will be loaded.CRFCN0462E Error getting application informationCRFCN0463E Could not start the applicationCRFCN0465E Empty name field not allowed - retaining old name of name CRFCN0466E An application named value already exists - retaining original name oldname .CRFCN0468W There is already another instance of the Application Configuration Tool running.CRFCN0469W The Enabler and Application Configuration Tool cannot be run simultaneously.CRFCN0470W The Object Properties Configuration Tool and Application Configuration Tool cannot be run simultaneously.CRFCN0471E AppConfigTool.mainFromDialog() caught exception: exception CRFCN0472E Cannot find or read the application information.CRFCN0473E File read errorCRFCN0476E Invalid dataset specification to iteratorCRFCN0477E Invalid dataset equivalence class class specified to iteratorCRFCN0478E Variable name variableName not found in datasetCRFCN0480E Invalid dataset iterator class name: class CRFCN0481E Unable to construct dataset iterator class: class CRFCN0482E Invalid dataset iterator class, not an iterator: iterator CRFCN0483E dataset file not foundCRFCN0484E dataset could not be readCRFCN0485E Error persisting a dataset in CSV format: file not found: fileName CRFCN0486E Exception persisting a dataset in CSV format: file CRFCN0487E dataset not found: null CRFCN0488E dataset could not be found: path CRFCN0489E Exception serializing dataset: dataset CRFCN0490E Invalid equivalence class index index specified in method methodname CRFCN0491E Invalid variable index index specified in method method_name CRFCN0492E Invalid column specification columnIndex in method CRFCN0494E Invalid equivalence class specification {0} in {1}CRFCN0495E Unable to convert value to toType CRFCN0496E Unable to reorder records, reorder list is nullCRFCN0497E Unable to reorder records, record set contains value1 not value2 elementsCRFCN0498E Unable to reorder records, record record_order in reorder list multiple timesCRFCN0499E Invalid record index index in method CRFCN0500E Invalid cell specification index in method CRFCN0501E Attempt to access a cell in a record that is not a member of a datasetCRFCN0504E Multiple matches found while looking for a role with name "property ".CRFCN0505E Multiple matches found while looking for a name .CRFCN0506E It appears that more than one instance of the HTML document name is open. Close all duplicate browser windows except for the one being tested and click OK to retry.CRFCN0507E It appears that more than one instance of the application is running, containing a window with title appName . Try closing instances of the application that are not being tested and click OK to retry.CRFCN0508E It appears that the application has more than one identical window open. The window caption is windowName . Close all identical windows except for the one being tested and click OK to retry.CRFCN0509E Error while parsing the keyword file.CRFCN0510E The location of the dialog cannot be determined.CRFCN 0511E The file_name image file cannot be found.CRFCN0512E Playback cannot continue.CRFCN0513E RemoteProxyReferenceValue.fromStream - An attempt was made to create a test object in the application under test.CRFCN0514E No channel was found for {0}. The method_name method cannot be called.CRFCN0515E Playback has stopped.CRFCN0516E Cannot create script helper from null object map.CRFCN0517E The test object cannot be activated or its visibility validated.CRFCN0518E The command that is issued on the following line cannot be run: command_line.CRFCN0519E Property converter format error. The data cannot be retrieved.CRFCN0520E IBM DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) cannot start.CRFCN0521E Playback cannot continue.CRFCN0524E The script code cannot be added. The session must be active before adding the script code.CRFCN0527E Playback cannot continue.CRFCN0531E The script helper cannot be created from null script definition.CRFCN0532E Exception occurred during playback of automated scriptCRFCN0534E Cannot start application application_Name : Cannot find browser browser_Name CRFCN0535E Playback cannot continue.CRFCN0540E The recording could not be stopped.CRFCN0541E Unable to generate XML: The test-script recording cannot be completed.CRFCN0542E Playback cannot continueCRFCN0546E Processing the command-line command cannot continue.CRFCN0547E The added object cannot be recognized during a test run.CRFCN0549E The ObjectMap map cannot be stored in the object_map file.CRFCN0551E Playback cannot continue.CRFCN0552E The recording could not be stopped.CRFCN0553E Debugging is enabled, an error was encountered, and the debugging log includes an entry for this error.CRFCN0555E Playback cannot continue.CRFCN0556E The application does not start due to the absence of configuration information.CRFCN0557E Playback cannot start. CRFCN0558E Playback cannot continue.CRFCN0561E Recording cannot continue. Event handlers are nested too deeply. CRFCN0562E Playback cannot continue.CRFCN0563E An exception occurs while writing data to the XML stream.CRFCN0564E Playback cannot continue.CRFCN0565E Script playback cannot be completed as the test object is not in the correct state.CRFCN0567E The maps for the specified data objects cannot be combined into the target map file.CRFCN0570E Playback cannot continue.CRFCN0574E Playback cannot be started. CRFCN0578E The script_name script cannot be played back.CRFCN0580E The recorder could not be started. CRFCN0582E The test object does not contain a mapped reference.CRFCN0589E The recording cannot be completed.CRFCN0590E Playback cannot continue as the test object passed method must be an object that was found, it cannot be a mapped test object.CRFCN0594E The application_name application in the working_directory directory could not be started.CRFCN0596E Playback has stopped.CRFCN0597E Incorrect usage of command-line option.CRFCN0602E The application cannot be started. The location of the application is not given in the configuration information.CRFCN0604E Playback cannot continue.CRFCN0606E Unable to dynamically enable the .NET application because it uses an older framework that does not support unification.CRFCN0607E The recording could not be paused.CRFCN0608E Unsupported type, value class required: {0}CRFCN0611E The test cannot be played back.CRFCN0613E The object map cannot be opened.CRFCN0617E Playback cannot continue.CRFCN0622E The script helper class cannot be createdCRFCN0623E Test objects passed to the application under test must be registered references.CRFCN0624E Invalid POSIX character class syntaxCRFCN0625E The template cannot be loaded.CRFCN0626E Playback cannot continue.CRFCN0628E The recording cannot be completed.CRFCN0639E The application to be tested cannot be started.CRFCN0647E The script_name script cannot be played back.CRFCN0648E Playback cannot be completed.CRFCN0649W Playback cannot continue.CRFCN0653I An empty <obj> tag was encountered.CRFCN0660E The edited script_name script cannot be saved.CRFCN0661W The recognition score of the found object does not qualify the object as a matchCRFCN0663E The Application View cannot display the object_name test object.CRFCN0672E Playback cannot continue.CRFCN0673E The script cannot be played back.CRFCN0682E Remote playback cannot continue without dynamic download support.CRFCN0698E The recording cannot be completed.CRFCN0699E Flags must be a combination of PRE_DOWN, PRE_UP and POST_UP.CRFCN0707E Script playback cannot be started.CRFCN0710E The application cannot be dynamically enabled. Recording the script cannot continue.CRFCN0712E The recording cannot be completed as the script helper super class fails.CRFCN0715E The application cannot be started.CRFCN0720E Error creating the test object map. Playing back the script_name script cannot continue.CRFCN0722E The script_name script could not be created.CRFCN0723E The script cannot be played back.CRFCN0724E Playback found object_value matching candidate for an test object.CRFCN0726E XML: Cannot reconstruct object from dataCRFCN0733E Invalid POSIX character class class_name . Playback or recording cannot be completed.CRFN0752E The default value of option_value is not in the set of valid values.CRFCN0754E The file_name keyword file cannot be updated.CRFCN0759E The script cannot be played back.CRFCN0763E The test cannot be played back.CRFCN0768E Problems obtaining the location of cascading dialogs. Recording cannot continue.CRFCN0770E You cannot pass objects by reference to the application under test unless the object referenced comes from the application under test.CRFCN0771E The recording stopped.CRFCN0775E The recording could not resume after a pause.CRFCN0778E Playback cannot continue.CRFCN0779E The script being recorded cannot be saved.CRFNC0783E Application under test (AUT) is not responding while trying to find the object : {0}.Try playing back again after restarting AUT. If the problem persists, avoid playing back on the above object.CRFCN0784E Application under test (AUT) is not responding while performing the action : {0} on control {1}. Try playing back again after restarting AUT. If the problem persists, avoid performing the above action.CRFCN0785E -{0} must be followed by a playback typeCRFCN0786E Only one -{0} allowed in the command line argumentsCRFCN0787W Warning: The number of test objects created/registered exceeds the number of test objects unregistered for the script. Unregister the test objects that were not unregistered in the script using the unregister(TestObject), unregisterAll(), and the testobject.unregister() APIs.CRFCN0788W Warning: The number of test objects created/registered exceeds the number of test objects unregistered for the script. Unregister the test objects that were not unregistered in the script using the unregister(TestObject), unregisterAll(), and the testobject.unregister() APIs.CRFCN0791E Failed to disable browser. Browser location is {0}.CRFCN0792E Failed to enable browser. Browser location is {0}.CRFCN0793E Wrong option for dynamic find enablementCRFCN0794E The Google Chrome browser was not enabled properly for testing.CRFCP0001E Proxy format error. Expected the element DOMAIN_IMPLEMENTATION . XML contains the element element2 .CRFCP0002E Invalid Type: testDataType CRFCP0003E The field field_name does not exist, or the caller does not have sufficient permission to access the field.CRFCP0004E You cannot set a property on the Process domain.CRFCP0005E Screen rectangle could not be computed.CRFCP0006E Screen rectangle could not be computed after scrolling.CRFCP0007E Screen rectangle could not be computedCRFCP0008E Screen rectangle could not be computedCRFCP0009E Unabled to raise child context menu: subitem CRFCP0010E Invalid state for action: state CRFCP0011E Can not deselect a radiobutton.CRFCP0012E Can not set a checkbox to an indeterminate state.CRFCP0013E AWT List: Unable to scroll into view: subitem .CRFCP0014E Unsupported action for list control: Item is item and Action is action CRFCP0015E Unsupported action for list control: Action is action CRFCP0016E java.awt.Choice: popup window is not visible, so subitem can not be located.CRFCP0017E java.awt.Choice: can not raise the popup window.CRFCP0018E setState method for Choice control can only be used to select a subitem. Current action is action CRFCP0019E Choice control can only set state to one item at a time: First item is item1 , last item is itemlast CRFCP0020E AWT FileDialog associated window could not be found.CRFCP0021E Unable to activate file dialog - dialog not found.CRFCP0022E Unable to raise child menu: parent_object_name CRFCP0023E Unable to input keys - top level window not found.CRFCP0024E Unable to activate window - top level window not found.CRFCP0025E Unable to activate window - top level window not foundCRFCP0026E Can not resize a window to a negative size.CRFCP0027E Can not move a window to a null location.CRFCP0028E Applet host window is not accessible.CRFCP0029E This action must be performed against the applet host windowCRFCP0030E Invalid state for action: action CRFCP0031E JRadioButton does not support setStatestate CRFCP0032E Can not set the state to INDETERMINATECRFCP0033E java.jfc.JTree: multiple selection is not allowedCRFCP0034E java.jfc.JTable: Row Selection is not AllowedCRFCP0035E java.jfc.JTable: Column Selection is not AllowedCRFCP0036E java.jfc.JTable: Cell Selection is not AllowedCRFCP0037E Can not resize a window to a negative size: (dimension1, dimension2) CRFCP0038E Can not move a window to a null locationCRFCP0039E Minimize is not supportedCRFCP0040E Resize is not supportedCRFCP0041E Can not move a window to a null locationCRFCP0042E tofront is not supportedCRFCP0043E Invalid state for action: state CRFCP0044E setState can only be used to scroll the split pane: action CRFCP0045E No screen visible point foundCRFCP0046E java.swt.Combo: setState can only be used to select a subitem: action} CRFCP0047E java.swt.CTabFolder: setState can only be used to select a subitem: subitem_action CRFCP0048E Property name was not foundCRFCP0049E Property name is read onlyCRFCP0050E No screen point found for object.CRFCP0051E You cannot set a property on an Html Domain object.CRFCP0052E No screen visible point found for document.CRFCP0053E Unable to click to desired state: action CRFCP0054E Unable to set to desired state.CRFCP0055E Unable to set text in a read-only text areaCRFCP0056E No screen visible point found for form.CRFCP0057E No Subitems, Image is not an Image Map. CRFCP0058E Can not resize a window to a negative size: ({dimension1}, {dimension2}) CRFCP0059E Can not move a window to a null locationCRFCP0065E Playback cannot continue.CRFCP0067E Playback cannot continue.CRFQM0001E The adapter is unable to connect to the project_name project area in IBM Engineering Test Management .CRFQM0002E The integration adapter was unable to connect to the server.CRFQM0003E The script could not be run: The project cannot be found.CRFQM0004E The script name cannot be runCRFQM0005E The script cannot be run as the script is not built.CRFQM0006E The script {0} cannot be executed. CRFQM0007E Failed to make task data available to execution.CRFQM0008W Server URL must be in the form {0}. Are you sure {1} is correct?CRFQM0009E You cannot start multiple adapters with the same configuration on the same workstation.CRFWW0001E Could not open file: {0}. Check if file is a part of workspaceCRFWW0002W Do you want to delete the existing private dataset?CRFWW0003E Problem initializing the IDE.CRFWW0004E Critical files are corrupted, missing or cannot be loaded. Reboot your system. If problem persists please reinstall IBM DevOps Test UI (Test UI ) .CRFWW0006E Problem enabling default environments for testing.CRFWW0010E The major version of the project is not compatible with the product version.CRFWW0011E The minor version of the project does not match the minor version of the product.CRFWW0013E The major version of the project is not compatible with the product version. This project will be disconnected.CRFWW0017E Please wait for another script to finish.CRFWW0018E Unable to find script.CRFWW0019E Classpath error: {errmsg}CRFWW0020E Try resetting the project java build path to resolve errors encountered running the script.CRFWW0021E Couldn't find a script to playback. Please check your selection.CRFWW0023E The specified dataset iteration count [count] is not valid.CRFWW0024E Object Map does not existCRFWW0025E Problem renaming script assetsCRFWW0026E Problem opening fileCRFWW0028E Problem deleting script assetsCRFWW0030W The destination file exists. Do you want to overwrite it?CRFWW0031E There are no files to export.CRFWW0032E Problem encountered during the export.CRFWW0033W Unable to access script assets for scriptFile . Do you wish to proceed without this script?CRFWW0034E Problem encountered during the importCRFWW0035E Refresh failed.CRFWW0036E Unable to update the destination.CRFWW0037E Unable to create the destination directoryCRFWW0038E Publish failed on {fileName} The following files were updated.{updatedFileList} Do you want to undo the operation? Select No if you want to continue publishing the rest of the files.CRFWW0039E Unable to create backup directoryCRFWW0040E Unable to copy file to backup directoryCRFWW0041E Unable to read the file {fileName} while creating backupCRFWW0042E Problem encountered during the publishing.CRFWW0043W Unable to access script assets for scriptFile . Do you wish to proceed without this script?CRFWW0044W dataset structure changed. Are you sure you want to change the association?CRFWW0045E Problem associating dataset with scriptsCRFWW0046E Could not insert data driven commandsCRFWW0047E Problem encountered during the export.CRFWW0048E Could not create datasetCRFWW0049E Create dataset problemsCRFWW0050E Could not create datasetCRFWW0051E Error showing dataset page.CRFWW0052W Scripts associated with this dataset will be made unusable. Are you sure you want to remove dataset association?CRFWW0053E Cannot modify a readonly file!CRFWW0054W The following scripts are already associated with a dataset. Changing the dataset associated with a script can cause the script to run incorrectly. Do you want to change the dataset associated with each script?CRFWW0055E Problem associating dataset with scriptsCRFWW0056E Problem encountered during the import.CRFWW0057W dataset datasetName has been modified. Save changes?CRFWW0059E Could not create Object MapCRFWW0060E Could not create scriptCRFWW0061E Script copied however an error occurred updating the script with its new name and location. Any compile errors need to be fixed manually.CRFWW0062E Could save new scriptCRFWW0063E Could not save the editor's copy of the script to the new location. Any changes made to the script since the last save have been lost.CRFWW0064E Could not record into scriptCRFWW0065E Please make sure that a Functional Test script is activeCRFWW0066E Please select the line where callScript should be insertedCRFWW0068E Make sure that you selected one or more scripts or test folders containing scripts and that these scripts are from the same project as current script.CRFWW0069W Only scripts from the current project have been insertedCRFWW0070E Could not insert test object(s)CRFWW0071E Could not rebuild projectCRFWW0073E Could not create script helper superclassCRFWW0074E Specified project path does not existCRFWW0075W There are two connections "{0}" and "{1}" to the same project. But the associated test script source in current project can only point to one of the copies. You should disconnect from one of them.CRFWW0078E Error deleting filesCRFWW0079E Problems renaming project item(s)CRFWW0080E Could not open projectCRFWW0081E Could not create new projectCRFWW0082E Could not open log.CRFWW0083E Select a verification point.CRFWW0084E Could not create test folderCRFWW0085E The project is locked for publish by other users/application.CRFWW0094E The specified dataset could not be created.CRFWW0095E The nested text editor could not be created. The simplified script editor does not display the Java tab.CRFWW0096E The simplified scripts cannot be exported as HTML or XML files.CRFWW0097I The file from a different workspace cannot be opened. CRFWW0098E The copied action cannot be pasted under the current selection. Make sure the target is not a child of the source or the source itself.CRFWW0099W The dataset association cannot be removed.