Debugging scripts

You can use the same process to debug a Functional Test script as you would to debug other Visual Basic or Java™ applications. If you prefer, in IBM® DevOps Test UI (Test UI), Eclipse Integration, you can debug your script in the Test UI Debug Perspective which makes it easier to start the debugger that comes with the Java Development Toolkit.

In Test UI, Eclipse Integration, Functional Test scripts are recorded in the Java programming language. Debugging these scripts is the same process as debugging a conventional Java application. For more information about using the Test Debug Perspective, see the IBM Java Development User Guide (Getting Started: Debugging Your Programs).

In Test UI, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Integration, Functional Test scripts are recorded in the Visual Basic programming language. Debugging these scripts is the same process as debugging a conventional Visual Basic application. For more information about debugging in Visual Basic, see the Microsoft® Developer Network (MSDN) Developing with Visual Studio.NET (Building, Debugging, and Testing). In Test UI, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Integration, more views appear when a script is in debugging mode.

Setting the Debug Perspective preference

  1. Click Window > Preferences.
  2. In the left pane, expand Functional Test.
  3. Click Workbench > Advanced.
  4. Clear the Switch to Test Debug Perspective when debugging check box.

Debugging a script

  1. Configure your application for testing by setting the appropriate Java environment or web browser as the default to run the application you are testing.
    For information, see Before you record related topic.
  2. Open the Debug Perspective in any of the following ways:
    • In the Projects view, click a script and click the Debug Functional Test Script button Debug Functional Test Script in the Functional Test toolbar.
    • In the Projects view, right-click a script and click Debug.
    • In the Projects view, click a script and from the Functional Test menu, click Script > Debug.

    The Test Debug Perspective opens and provides information as the script plays back under the debugger.

    After the script runs, a log file is displayed. If a log is not displayed, check the settings in the Logging page.

    If a verification point fails, the Comparator appears so that you can analyze the results. If the Comparator does not start, check the settings in the Logging page.