Compound tests

You can create compound tests to help you organize smaller tests into scenarios that can then be run end-to-end. You can combine tests from different extensions to achieve end-to-end flow.

If you need to combine various tests into a single workflow or end-to-end scenario, you can organize the tests into a compound test. Each test may perform a part of the scenario. Each test may also run in a different domain, for example, different web browsers. A typical example of a compound test is an online buying workflow. You may have built smaller tests for each part of an online purchase transaction, such as "log on", "log out", "view item", "add to cart", and "check out". You can combine these tests into a single flow in a compound test. When the compound test is run, its individual tests are run in sequence.

The types of tests you can combine into a compound test depend on the testing capabilities you have purchased. You can generally add the following types of tests to a compound test:
  • Web UI tests
  • Android mobile tests
  • iOS mobile tests
  • SAP tests
  • Windows test
  • Selenium or Appium tests
  • Functional tests
You can also shell-share IBM® DevOps Test Workbench (Test Workbench) family products to add multiple tests into a compound test.
To build the scenario you require in a compound test, you can also add the following annotations:
  • Comments
  • Synchronization points
  • Loops
  • Delays
  • Transaction folders
  • Tests that are mandatory, using the Finally blocks
  • Tests to be run in random order, using the Random Selector