Saving test scripts and files

You can save a functional test script or file in several ways: save the current test script or file, save all test scripts and files, save a functional test script or file with another name in a different location.

  • To save the current test script of file, click File > Save from the IBM® DevOps Test UI (Test UI) menu or click the Save button Save button on the product toolbar.
  • To save all the test scripts and files, click File > Save All.
  • To save a test script with another name, click File > Save Script scriptname As from the product menu.

Saving a test script with another name

  1. Click File > Save Script scriptname As from the product menu to open the Save Functional Test Script As .
  2. In the Select a folder field, use the navigation buttons ( Home Home button, Back Back button, and Go Into Go Into button) to select the appropriate path to the folder you want to use.
  3. In the Script name field, enter a name that conforms to the Java™ naming conventions for the new script.
    Note: The script name is appended to the project path. The project path and script name together should not exceed 230 characters.
  4. Click Finish .
    Test UI saves the script and all its related files, such as the helper script files, the private object map, and any verification point files using the new name.

Saving a file with another name

Do not use this procedure to save a primary script class. A script is a collection of files that include the primary script class, verification point files, helper class, and possibly a private object map. If you save only the primary script class by using this procedure, the other files included in the script are not renamed and Test UI cannot play back the resulting file. To save a script and its related files, use the Save Script As dialog
  1. Click File > Save As in the product menu to open the Save As dialog.
  2. In the Enter or select the parent folder field, use the navigation buttons to select the appropriate path to the folder you want to use.
  3. In the File name field, enter the name for the new file.
  4. Click OK .
    Unlike the Save Script As dialog, the Save As dialog saves only the current file and not any related files.