Known issues
You can find the known issues that are identified, if any, in this version of IBM® DevOps Test UI (Test UI). You can also find the known issues identified in the earlier versions of Test UI.
Known issues in DevOps Test UI 2024.12 (11.0.4)
ID | Description |
TP-95655 | When you want to run an AFT suite that contains multiple Web UI or mobile tests to run in parallel on the same mobile device, the test run fails. |
TP-94065 | When you run a Web UI test that contains any step to display a JavaScript dialog such as alert, confirm, or prompt dialog, and if the test is run on an emulator, the emulator does not display the dialog correctly. To work around this problem, you can run the test using the real Android device. |
Known issues from earlier versions
ID |
Description |
Previous known issues that still apply | |
TP-94182 | When you install the latest version of Test UI on
a Mac operating system that has Java 8 or older version
installed, and then run a test, the test run fails with the
Exception in thread "main"
exception. To work around this problem, you must perform
the following steps:
TP-89103 | When you want to install DevOps Test Performance Agent in the shell-shared mode with DevOps Test UI, you must first install Test UI, and then install Test Performance Agent instead of selecting the packages together for installation. |
TP-88149 | When you run Rational® Functional Tester on MacOS Ventura, the Preferences option in the Rational Functional Tester menu is displayed as Settings. |
TP-88201 | The drag and drop action that is manually added to the Web UI test script does not play back when you run the test on Rational Functional Tester. |
TP-83188 |
Bounds property verification points might capture incorrect values When you play back functional test scripts by using Google Chrome on the Linux operating system, the bounds property verification points of the document objects might capture incorrect values. |
TP-82960 | When you want to install Rational Functional Tester, Rational Integration Tester, or Rational Performance Tester on Mac OS Big Sur (11.x) by using the IBM Rational Test Workbench Setup, you must download all the product offerings to prevent installation errors. |
TP-79188 |
When you use the double quotation marks ("") for the labels or user comments options to run the test by using integration plugins, then the Labels in the test result or the User Comments row of a report do not include the double quotation marks. The integration plugins that do not support double quotation marks ("") for the labels or user comments options are as follows:
To work around this problem, you must create a command-line config file, and then run the test by using the config file option. |
TP-71725 | When you export the unified report as a PDF, if the text in a table contains the greater than symbol ">" in the unified report, the symbol is printed as ">" in the generated PDF. |
TP-79833 | In UI Test Statistical Report, if you select only the devices listed under the All Sources tab, then the test data for parameters, such as Step Performance, Transaction Performance, and Overall data are not displayed. |
TP-79924 | When you associated a test value with an encrypted dataset column, the setDatapool API does not set the data after the test run is complete. The setDatapool option must be applied to set the values of a non-encrypted dataset columns. |
TP-73105 |
You cannot shell share Rational Functional Tester with 10.1.3 or later of IBM Rational Application Developer or IBM Rational Software Architect at this moment. If shell sharing Rational Functional Tester with IBM Rational Application Developer or IBM Rational Software Architect is essential, then you must use Rational Functional Tester V10.1.2 with IBM Rational Application Developer V9.7.02 or IBM Rational Software Architect V9.7.0.2 until future versions of IBM Rational Application Developer or IBM Rational Software Architect is released. |
TP-72726 |
When you use a calendar dialog to select a value in an SAP transaction session and record the SAP test in your product, the Test Generation page and the Error Log page display a warning message. The warning message states that the SAP calendar object has an unpredictable behavior when you play back the test and you must set the date in the value fields by using the string format. Therefore, when you select the Hide GUI during execution option from the SAP Options tab in the Test Details section to play back the SAP test, the product is unable to create a calendar object. Hence the test run fails. To work around this problem, you must perform the following steps:
TP-69141 | When you install V10.1.2 of the product, you must decrypt and encrypt each dataset by using the CSV Editor to apply the strongest encryption on each dataset that you used in the earlier version of the product. |
TP-68671 | Using multiple monitors with workbench running on one monitor and browser on another for an extended view is not supported. |
TP-67053 | On Windows, there is an incompatibility between the version of Java packaged with the product (OpenJDK OpenJ9 V1.8.0_252) and AdoptOpenJDK14. To work around this problem, uninstall the AdoptOpenJDK14 product or remove it from the PATH before using the product. |
TP-62667 |
When you install Rational Functional Tester V10.1.0 on Red Hat Linux Enterprise 8.0 and later, the installation fails with an error message. To work around this problem, you must first install on your computer for a successful installation of the product. Alternatively, you can create a soft link from by running the following command on the command-line interface: sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/ |
TP-62444 | After you import a Web UI project from Git to Rational Functional Tester workspace, when you execute the AFT suite from the command-line, the execution fails. This is because the Web UI project is not copied to Rational Functional Tester workspace and the workspace contains a reference only. To work around this problem, you must first copy the Web UI project to the workspace, and then execute the test. |
TP-59612 | You must install Rational Functional Tester V10.0.2 on Mac OS by using IBM Installation Manager V1.9.1. For more information, see Product installation issues on Mac OS while using IBM Installation Manager V1.9. |