Installing the plugin on the Jenkins primary server

You must install the DTUI-UITest-Jenkins-IBM plugin to run UI test assets from the Jenkins server.

You must have completed the following tasks:

  • Verified that you have a Jenkins primary server and secondary server.

  • Downloaded the Test UI Web UI Jenkins plugin DTUI-UITest-Jenkins-IBM-12.0 from the IBM WebSphere, Liberty & DevOps Community portal .

  1. Log in to the Jenkins server.
    The Jenkins dashboard is displayed.
  2. Click Manage Jenkins > Manage plugins, and then click Advanced tab.
  3. Click Choose File and then locate and open the DTUI-UITest-Jenkins-IBM plugin.
  4. Click Upload.
    The DTUI-UITest-Jenkins-IBM plugin is displayed in the Installed tab.
  5. Perform the following steps to provide Random TCP Ports for Java™ Network Launch Protocol (JNLP) agents:
    1. Click Manage Jenkins from the Jenkins dashboard.
    2. Click Configure Global Security from the Security section.
    3. Click Random from the Agents section.
    4. Click Save to save and apply the changes.
You have installed the DTUI-UITest-Jenkins-IBM plugin on the Jenkins primary server.
You can run the test from the Jenkins server. See Running tests from Jenkins.