Keyboard shortcuts
You can use the keyboard shortcut keys to perform tasks in IBM® DevOps Test UI (Test UI).
Keyboard shortcut keys include:
Underlined letter in a dialog field label
Underlined letter in a menu command
Extended accelerator key, such as ALT, CTRL, and SHIFT
Function keys F1 through F12
You can refer to the dialogs in Test UI to find the keyboard shortcuts. When you open a dialog, press the ALT key to display the underlined letter in a field label. Most field labels show the letter of the keyboard shortcut underlined. For example, D is the shortcut key for the Devices field label in the Connect to Device dialog. In Test UI, press the ALT key, and the shortcut key to execute a command. For example, open the Connect to Device dialog, press ALT to display the keyboard shortcuts in the dialog, and press ALT+D to move to the Devices field in the Connect to Device .
Menu commands
You can refer to the menus in Test UI to find the keyboard shortcuts. Most menu items show the equivalent keyboard shortcut to the right of the menu item or the letter of the keyboard shortcut underlined. For example, F is the shortcut key for the File menu. In Test UI, press the ALT key, and then press the shortcut key to execute a command. For example, press ALT+F to open the File menu on the menu bar.
The following table describes the keyboard shortcuts:
Command Name | Key Sequence | Function |
File Menu | ||
File.NewProject | ALT+F, N, P or CTRL+ SHIFT+ N | Create a new project. |
File.File | ALT+F, N, F or CTRL+ N | Create a new file. |
File.NewBlankSolution | ALT+F, N, B | Create a new blank solution. |
File.NewProject | ALT+F, N, J | Create a new Functional Test project. |
File.AddScriptUsingRecorder | ALT+F, N, U | Record a Functional Test script. |
File.AddEmptyScript | ALT+F, N, E | Create an empty Functional Test script. |
File.AddTestObjectMap | ALT+F, N, C | Create a test object map. |
File.AddTestdataset | ALT+F, N, T | Create a test dataset. |
File.OpenProject | ALT+F, O, P or CTRL+ SHIFT+ O | Open a project. |
File.OpenProjectFromWeb | ALT+F, O, W | Open a project from the web. |
File.OpenFile | ALT+F, O, F or CTRL+ O | Open a file. |
File.FileFromWeb | ALT+F, O, E | Open a file from the web. |
File.Convert | ALT+F, O, C | Convert a Java™ Language project to an equivalent Visual C# .NET project or convert a Visual Basic 6.0 project to an equivalent Visual Basic .NET project. |
A command name is not assigned to the Close menu item. | ALT+F, C | Closes the script currently displayed in the Code Editor. |
File.AddNewItem | ALT+F, W or CTRL+ SHIFT+ A | Add a new item to the currently selected project. |
File.AddExistingItem | ALT+F, G or SHIFT+ALT+A | Add individual or multiple files to your project. |
File.NewProject | ALT+F, D, N | Add a new project. |
File.OpenProject | ALT+F, D, E | Add an existing project. |
File.OpenProjectFromWeb | ALT+F, D, F | Add an existing project from the web. |
File.OpenProject | ALT+F, E | Open an existing solution (.sln) file. |
ALT+F, T | Close the current solution. | |
File.SaveSelectedItems | ALT+F, S or CTRL+ S | Save any changes you made to the script currently displayed in the Code Editor. |
File.SaveSelectedItemsAs | ALT+F, A | Save the current file under another name and location. |
File.SaveAll | ALT+F, L or CTRL+ SHIFT+ S | Save all the scripts and files currently open. |
File.PageSetup | ALT+F, U | Display the Page Setup dialog. |
File.Print | ALT+F, P or CTRL +P | Display the Print dialog. |
A command name is not assigned to the recently used project items. | ALT+F , F , N | Display the names of project items you have most recently used. |
A command name is not assigned to the recently used project names. | ALT+F , J , N | Display the names of projects you have most recently used. |
A command name is not assigned to the Exit menu item. | ALT+F , X | Close Test UI. |
Edit Menu | ||
Edit.Undo | ALT+E , U or CTRL +Z | Cancel the last edit you made, if possible. |
Edit.Redo | ALT+E , R or CTRL +Y | Do the action of the last Undo action again. |
Edit.Cut | ALT+E , T or CTRL +X | Delete the selected characters and put them on the Clipboard. |
Edit.Copy | ALT+E , C or CTRL +C | Copy the selected characters to the Clipboard. |
Edit.Paste | ALT+E , P or CTRL +V | Insert at the cursor any characters that were previously cut or copied to the Clipboard. |
Edit.CycleClipboardRing | ALT+E , Y or CTRL +SHIFT +V | Cycle through the contents of the Clipboard Ring tab. |
Edit.Delete | ALT+E , D or Del | Remove the selected characters on the Code Editor or the selected item in the Solution Explorer. |
Edit.SelectAll | ALT+E , A or CTRL +A | Select all the characters in the currently displayed script or file. |
Edit.Find | ALT+E , F , F or CTRL +F | Search for text in the current document or window. |
Edit.Replace | ALT+E , F , P or CTRL +H | Search for and substitute text in the current document or window. |
Edit.FindInFiles | ALT+E , F , I or CTRL +SHIFT +F | Search for text in the current document or window as well as within multiple documents. |
Edit.ReplaceInFiles | ALT+E , F , S or CTRL +SHIFT +H | Search for and substitute text in the current document or window as well as within multiple documents. |
Edit.FindSymbol | ALT+E , F , Y or ALT +F12 | Search for a symbol in the current document or window. |
Edit.GoTo | ALT+E , G or CTRL +G | Navigate to a specific line number in the Code Editor. |
ALT+E , X | Insert a file into a project as text. | |
Edit.FormatDocument | ALT+E, V, A or CTRL+K, CTRL+D | Format document with indents and space. |
Edit.Format.Selection | ALT+E, V, F or CTRL+K, CTRL+F | Format selected text in the Code Editor. |
Edit.MakeUppercase | ALT+E, V, U or CTRL+ SHIFT+ U | Make text uppercase. |
Edit.MakeLowercase | ALT+E, V, L or CTRL+ U | Make text lowercase. |
Edit.DeleteHorizontalWhitespace | ALT+E, V, H or CTRL+ K, CTRL+ \ | Collapse white space in the selection or delete white space adjacent to the cursor if there is no selection. |
Edit.ViewWhitespace | ALT+E, V, W or CTRL+ R, CTRL+ W | Show or hide spaces and tab marks. |
Edit.ToggleWordWrap | ALT+E, V, R or CTRL+ R, CTRL+ R | Word wrap. |
Edit.IncrementalSearch | ALT+E, V, S or CTRL+ I | Perform an incremental search. |
Edit.CommentSelection | ALT+E, V, M or CTRL+ K, CTRL+ C | Add a comment to the current line of code. |
Edit.UncommentSelection | ALT+E, V, E or CTRL+ K, CTRL+ U | Remove the comment from the current line of code. |
Edit.ToggleBookmark | ALT+E, K, T or CTRL+ K, CTRL+ K | Set or remove a bookmark at the current line. |
Edit.NextBookmark | ALT+E, K, N or CTRL+ K, CTRL+ N | Navigate to the next bookmark. |
Edit.PreviousBookmark | ALT+E, K, P or CTRL+ K, CTRL+ P | Navigate to the previous bookmark. |
Edit.ClearBookmarks | ALT+E, K, C or CTRL+ K, CTRL+ L | Remove all unnamed bookmarks. |
Edit.ToggleTaskListShortcut | ALT+E, K, H or CTRL+ K, CTRL+ H | Add a task list shortcut. |
Edit.HideSelection | ALT+E, N, H or CTRL+ M, CTRL+ H | Hide selected text in the outline. |
Edit.ToggleOutliningExpansion | ALT+E, N, T or CTRL+M, CTRL+M | Toggle between expanding and collapsing the selected text in the outline. |
Edit.ToggleAllOutlining | ALT+E, N, L or CTRL+M, CTRL+L | Toggle between hiding and displaying the selected hidden text in the outline. |
Edit.StopOutlining | ALT+E, N, P or CTRL+M, CTRL+P | Remove all outlining. |
Edit.StopHidingCurrent | ALT+E, N, U or CTRL+M, CTRL+U | Remove the outlining for the selected text. |
Edit.CollapseToDefinitions | ALT+E, N, O or CTRL+M, CTRL+O | Collapse the outline to display only definitions. |
Edit.ListMembers | ALT+E, I, B or CTRL+J | List members of the current class for statement completion when you edit code. |
Edit.ParameterInfo | ALT+E, I, O or CTRL+SHIFT+Space | Display a tool tip that contains information for the current parameter. |
Edit.QuickInfo | ALT+E, I, Q or CTRL+K, CTRL+ I | Display Quick Info. |
Edit.CompleteWord | ALT+E, I, W or ALT+Right Arrow | Display Word Completion. |
View Menu | The View menu contains Visual Studio menu items that are not applicable to Test UI except for the Script Explorer, Test dataset, and Solution Explorer menu items. For more information, see the Visual Studio Default Settings Shortcut Keys online Help. | |
View.ScriptExplorer | ALT+V, X | Display the Script Explorer with a list of the script helper, helper superclass or helper base class, test dataset, verification points, and test objects for the current script. |
View.Testdataset | ALT+V, D | Display the test dataset editor. |
View.SolutionExplorer | ALT+V, P | Display the Solution Explorer, which provides an organized view of your projects and their files as well as access to the commands that pertain to them. |
Project Menu | ||
File.AddScriptUsingRecorder | ALT+P, Enter | Record a Functional Test script. |
File.AddEmptyScript | ALT+P, E | Create an empty Functional Test script. |
File.AddTestObjectMap | ALT+P, C | Create a test object map. |
File.AddTestdataset | ALT+P, T | Create a test dataset. |
Project.AddHelperBaseClass | ALT+P, H | Create a new script helper base class. |
Project.AddWindowsForm | ALT+P, F | Create a Visual Basic windows form |
Project.AddInheritedForm | ALT+P, I | Create a Visual Basic windows form based on an existing windows form. |
Project.AddUserControl | ALT+P, U, Enter | Create a Visual Basic user control |
Project.AddInheritedControl | ALT+P, T | Create a Visual Basic user control based on an existing user control. |
Project.AddComponent | ALT+P, N | Create a Visual Basic component |
Project.AddModule | ALT+P, M | Create a Visual Basic module |
Project.AddClass | ALT+P, C, C, Enter | Create a Visual Basic empty class declaration. |
File.AddNewItem | ALT+P, W or CTRL+SHIFT+A | Display the Add New Item dialog to add a form for Windows® applications. |
File.AddExistingItem | ALT+P, G or SHIFT+ALT+A | Display the Add Existing Item dialog to select individual or multiple files to add to your project. |
Project.AddReference | ALT+P, R | Display the Add Reference dialog to list the various types of components and projects you can browse. |
Build Menu | The Build menu contains Visual Studio menu items that are not applicable to Test UI. For more information, see the Visual Studio Default Settings Shortcut Keys online Help. | |
Debug Menu | The Debug menu contains Visual Studio menu items that are not applicable to Test UI. For more information, see the Visual Studio Default Settings Shortcut Keys online Help. | |
Script Menu | ||
Debug.StartWithoutDebugging | ALT+S, R or CTRL+F5 | Compile and run the Rational® Test script |
Debug.Start | ALT+S, D or F5 | Compile and debug the Rational Test script |
File.AddScriptUsingRecorder | ALT+S, U | Display the Add New Item dialog to enter information about the new script and start recording. |
Script.InsertRecording | ALT+S, N | Start recording at the cursor location in the current script and start applications, insert verification points, and add script support functions. |
Script.OpenTestObjectMap | ALT+S, O | Open the test object map associated with the current script. |
Script.UpdateScriptHelper | ALT+S, H | Update the script's helper file (*ScriptHelper.vb) to reflect changes made to the template for the selected test asset. |
Script.InsertTestObject | ALT+S, T | Display the Insert a GUI Object into the Object Map wizard to add objects to the test object map. |
Script.InsertVerificationPoint | ALT+S, V | Display the Verification Point and Action Wizard to insert a verification point in the current script at the cursor location. |
Script.InsertDataDrivenCommands | ALT+S, D | Display the Data Drive Actions page of the dataset Population Wizard to select the objects in an application-under-test to data-drive an application. |
Script.FindLiteralsandReplacewithdatasetReference | ALT+S, F | Replace literal values with a dataset reference in a test script to add realistic data to an existing test script. |
Configure Menu | ||
Configure.ConfigureApplicationsforTesting | ALT+U, C | Display the Application Configuration Tool to add and edit configuration information -- such as name, path, and other information that Test UI uses to start and run the application -- for the Java and HTML applications you want to test. |
Configure.EnableEnvironmentsforTesting | ALT+U, E | Display the Enable Java Environments (JRE)/Web Browsers/Eclipse Platforms for Testing dialog to enable Java environments, browsers, and Eclipse platforms and to configure them. |
Tools Menu | The Tools menu contains Visual Studio menu items that are not applicable to Test UI except for the Test Object Inspector, Synchronize Solutions with Editor, and Options menu items. For more information, see the Visual Studio Default Settings Shortcut Keys online Help. | |
Tools.TestObjectInspector | ALT+T, I | Display the Test Object Inspector window to dynamically view properties of selected test objects visible in the running application and display information about those objects, such as parent hierarchy, inheritance hierarchy, test object properties, nonvalue properties, and method information |
Tools.SynchronizeSolutionwithEditor | ALT+T, W | Synchronize a solution with the Code Editor. |
Tools.Options | ALT+T, O | Customize Test UI by setting preferences for Test UI, Highlight, Operating System, Playback, Recorder, Development Environment, and Advanced Development Environment. |
Window Menu | The Windows menu contains Visual Studio menu items that are not applicable to Test UI except for the recent scripts and Windows menu items. For more information, see the Visual Studio Default Settings Shortcut Keys online Help. | |
A command name is not assigned to the recently used script names. | ALT+W , N | Display the names of scripts you have most recently used. |
Window.Windows | ALT+W, W | Display, close, and arrange documents that are open in editors and designers. |
Help Menu | ||
Help.DynamicHelp | ALT+H, H or CTRL+F1 | Display links to topics related to your current work in the Dynamic Help window. The links displayed are based on the portion of the integrated development environment that currently has focus. |
Help.Contents | ALT+H, C or CTRL+ALT+F1 | Display the table of contents in the Contents window. |
Help.Index | ALT+H, I or CTRL+ALT+F2 | Display a list of keywords, arranged alphabetically, in the Index window. |
Help.Search | ALT+H, S or CTRL+ALT+F3 | Display the Search window to locate all Library topics for a particular word or phrase. |
Help.Indexresults | ALT+H, X or SHIFT+ALT+F2 | Display the Index Results window to list the topics associated with the keyword you selected in the Index window. The Index Results window is automatically displayed if the keyword you selected has more than one topic associated with it. |
Help.Searchresults | ALT+H, R or SHIFT+ALT+F3 | Display the Search Results window to view the topics that include matches to the text you entered in the Search window. |
Help.Edit.Filters | ALT+H, F | Display the Edit Help Filters window to change edit filter definitions. |
Help.ShowStartPage | ALT+H, O | Display the Start Page to easily access recent projects and quickly create a new project. |
Help.CheckforUpdates | ALT+H, K | Check for available Service Releases. |
ALT+H, T | Provide links to get support information based on the software and associated Help collections that were provided to your computer during software installation. | |
Help.HelponHelp | ALT+H, E | Provide information for using the online Help collections. |
Help.About | ALT+H, A | Display information about the current version of Microsoft® Visual Basic .NET you are running. |
Related Topics:
Mapping Keyboard Shortcut Keys