Publishing specific results to the server
If you have a single test result or multiple test results that are not published to IBM® DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub), you can publish a single or all of them simultaneously.
- You must have installed the Test Hub and started it. The server is part of the product package. For more information about Test Hub, see the Knowledge Center.
- You must have created an offline user token on Test Hub, see Generating an offline token.
- If the Test Hub server is behind a firewall, you might not be able to connect to it. You must configure the firewall so that it can allow connections on ports 5443 and 7828.
You can publish the statistical reports to Test Hub at this moment.
To view the test results:
- Log in to the server.
- Click the Results page and then expand the test.
- Click the published report links. The report opens in a new browser.