Recording a Web UI test by using a running browser instance

You can create a Web UI test of a web application from the UI Test perspective using a browser that is already running locally. For example, if you have already recorded some part of a web application, you can go back at a later time to resume the recording. Support is provided for Chrome and Firefox on Windows and Linux computers and for Safari, Chrome and Firefox on Macintosh computers. Internet Explorer is not supported.

  1. Start a supported browser session and type the URL of the web application to test.
  2. Go to the UI Test perspective.
  3. Click New > Test From Recording. Alternatively, on the toolbar, click the New Test From Recording icon New Test From Recording.
  4. Click Create a test from a new recording. Select Web UI Test. If you are recording sensitive data, click Recording Encryption Level and select the encryption level to record. Click Next.
  5. Optional: If you did not create a test project earlier, click the Create the parent folder icon Create the parent folder to create a test project. For more information, see Creating project.
  6. Type a name for the test, and then click Next.
    The Select Client Application page is displayed.
  7. Select Running browser instance, and then click Next.
  8. Select the web application to test from the list of running browser instances, and then click Finish.
  9. Return to the browser and record the test.
  10. After you finish the user tasks in the browser, stop the recorder by clicking the Stop icon Stop icon in the Recording Control view.

    After you stop the recorder, the test is generated from the recording.

  11. Optional: Open the test for editing.

When the test is generated, you can edit it in the test editor. For information, see Modification of Web UI tests.

To create variable data for the test, you can use the dataset candidates suggested by the workbench when you first open the generated test. For more information, see Viewing dataset candidates when you open a test.