Creating an AFT Suite to run Web UI tests on LambdaTest Cloud
You can create an AFT Suite when you want to run multiple Web UI tests on a wide range of devices that are available on LambdaTest Cloud. You can configure the AFT Suite with details of the tests, devices to use, and the location from where the tests must be initiated.
- Created or recorded Web UI tests for the web application that you want to test.
- Set up your account to access LambdaTest Cloud. You must have valid credentials such as the username, either the hostname or the URL of the LambdaTest Cloud instance, and an API key to authenticate the connection. This key is available under ACCESS KEY in the LambdaTest dashboard.
- Noted the IP address of the remote agent computer if the device cloud is connected to the remote computer.
You have created an AFT Suite for Web UI tests, which you can use to run the tests on devices that are on LambdaTest Cloud.