Creating group verification points

You can insert group verification points for all the controls that are in the application visual.

  • The group verification point feature in the application visual is available if the Enable capturing of verification on test data option is enabled when the script was recorded.
  • Verify if all the required control types in the application visual are the default controls for group verification point. For more information about the list of default controls and the procedure to add the control types, see the group verification points topic.
  1. Select the test line in the script editor that refers to the required application visual of the test application.
    The application visual is displayed in the Application view.
  2. Select the application visual, right-click and select Insert Verification Point > Group Verification Point.
    A set of test lines to capture verification points for all the controls is added to the test script.
  3. Click File > Save to save the modified test script.
    The verification point test lines are inserted into the script for all the controls that are set as default controls for group verification points.