Splitting UI actions

After you record a test, you can split the test actions into multiple test segments with different nodes. With the test-splitting capability, you can record a relatively long scenario with many functional steps against an application and then, in the editor, modify the target apps. Then you can generate multiple tests from a single recording that you can replay in a different order with a schedule.

To split UI actions:
  1. In the Test Navigator, browse to the test and double-click it. The test opens.
  2. In the test editor, select one or more actions in the test script for splitting into one or more application nodes. You can select elements, except for variable containers, that are immediate children of the root node of the test.
  3. Right-click the selected elements, and then select Split UI actions.
  4. In the refactoring test dialog that opens, examine the changes to be performed as a result of the split. You can leave or clear the options if you do not want certain data to be correlated.
  5. Click OK.
    One or more app nodes In application: AppName are created in the test script from the selected test element.
  6. Optionally: you can change the target app to be tested for a selected app node. To do so, select an app node, click the Change application button and in the list of applications available, select a new app. Then select the Starts a new instance of application selected below. To apply the change of app to the all the test nodes, that is to the whole test suite, click the change application in the whole test suite.
    The test nodes turns from In application: AppName to Launch application: AppName.
  7. Save the test.