Changing SAP test generation preferences

You can change preferences for SAP tests to control the generation of SAP tests. You can also modify the setting for the verification points, data correlation, and the display of SAP GUI during the test run.

  1. Open Test UI, and then click Window > Preferences.
  2. Expand Test > Test Generation, and then select SAP Test Generation.
  3. Perform the actions described in the following table from the Automatic Generation section:
    Options Actions

    Use connection by string

    Select this checkbox to connect the SAP tests by using the string launch method instead of the SAP Logon program.

    Verification points for SAP screen title

    Select this checkbox to generate the verification points on-screen titles with each SAP screen.

    Verification points for SAP request response time threshold

    Select this checkbox to generate verification points on the response time of the SAP server.

    Note: If the server response time is higher than the specified threshold value, then the test produces a failed verification point.

    Calculate threshold from recorded (%)

    Enter a value in this field for the response time threshold that is calculated when response time verification points are generated.

    Note: The threshold value is calculated as a percentage of the actual response time that was measured during the recording.
    Remember: The default value of the response time threshold is 120% of the recorded response time.

    Default request timeout [ms]

    Enter a value in this field for a request to ping the server.

    Note: When the request is timed out, it cannot ping the server for that request.
    Remember: The default option that is selected in the Automatic generation section is Use connection by string.
  4. Perform the actions described in the following table from the GUI on execution section:
    Options Actions

    Hide GUI during execution

    Select this checkbox to hide all instances of the SAP GUI.

    Tip: If you run an SAP test by selecting the Hide GUI during execution and the test fails due to modal dialogs or pop-up windows in transactions, you must add a Location property. The name and value of the property must be as follows:

    RFT_VMARGS = rftSapForceShowNone=true

    Show GUI during execution

    Select this checkbox to show all instances of the SAP GUI. By selecting this option, you can monitor the test run.

    Remember: The default option that is selected in the GUI on execution section is Hide GUI during execution.

    Irrespective of what you have selected in the GUI on execution section, you can still change the behavior of the display of SAP GUI during the test run time.

    Consider that you have recorded 100 SAP tests by using the default selection of an option in the GUI on execution section. Due to some changes in your requirements, you want to run SAP tests by displaying SAP GUI during the test run time. In such instances, you can select and right-click the required tests from the Test Navigator pane, and then hover on SAP GUI mode on execution to choose the following options:

    • Set show GUI during execution: to show all instances of the SAP GUI.

    • Set hide GUI during execution: to hide all instances of the SAP GUI.

  5. Select the Prompt me for password when generating test checkbox to request a password at the end of the recording session.

    When you clear this checkbox, the password is recorded with an empty string.

  6. Click Apply and Close to save the changes.
You have changed preferences for SAP test generation.
You can run the test. See Running a Web UI test.