Lesson 1: Set up DevOps Test UI

IBM provides a Java™ Runtime Environment (JRE) that is installed and enabled for testing Java applications. Use this JRE for the tutorial. When you want to test your own Java or HTML applications, run the enabler and configure your environments and applications. For more information about these setup tasks, see the Getting Started with IBM® DevOps Test UI (Test UI) wizard in the First Steps section of the product Welcome. For now, you do not need to do anything to use the preconfigured JRE to continue.

Set logging options

Test UI provides several logging options. For this tutorial, use the HTML log.
  1. Click Window > Open Perspective > Other to open the functional test perspective.
  2. In the Open Perspective dialog, select the Functional Test option.
  3. To verify that HTML logging is set, click Window > Preferences.
  4. In the left pane of the Preferences window, expand Functional Test > Playback, and click Logging.
  5. Select html as the Log type, and then click OK.
This setting opens the HTML log automatically after you play back a script.

Create a functional test project

Before you can start recording the test scripts, create a functional test project.
  1. Click File > New > Functional Test Project.
  2. In Project name, type SimplifyTutorial (no spaces).
  3. In Project location, type C:\FTproject.
    The directory is created.
  4. Click Finish.
You can see the SimplifyTutorial project in the Functional Test Projects view, which is the left pane in the Functional Test perspective.

Enable simplified scripting and application visuals feature

You can generate simplified test scripts and Java test scripts. With the simplified test scripts and application visuals feature enabled, you can switch to Java scripting, if required but not vice versa. Before you start recording the scripts, enable the simplified scripting and the application visual features.
  1. To verify that the feature is enabled, click Window > Preferences.
  2. In the left pane of the Preferences window, expand Functional Test, and then click Simplified scripting.
  3. On the Simplified Scripting page, select Enable Simplified Scripting.
  4. On the Application Visuals page, select the Enable capturing of application visuals, Insert Data Driven Commands, and Enable capturing of verification on test data options.
  5. Click Apply, and then click OK.