Properties of screen property verification points
You can create screen property verification points to test the screen in your application. When you record the verification point, a baseline of the screen is created. Every time you play back the script, the screen is compared to check if any changes have occurred. This helps in identifying any mismatch in screen.
Property | Description | Valid values | Default value | |||||||||||||||
.fieldCount | Specifies the number of fields on the screen. | |||||||||||||||||
accessibilityEnabled | Enables the accessibility API in the
terminal screen when set to
true . |
true or
false |
true |
alignmentX | Specifies the component position within BoxLayout. If border layout is specified as X_Axis, you can change the alignmentY to -1 for top or 1 for bottom. If the Y_Axis is specified, you can change the alignmentX to -1 for left or 1 for right. | 0.5 |
alignmentY | Specifies the component position within BoxLayout. If border layout is specified as Y_Axis, you can change the alignmentX to -1 for top or 1 for bottom. If the X_Axis is specified, you can change the alignmentY to -1 for left or 1 for right. | 0.5 |
autoFontSize | Automatically selects the best font
size whenever the window is resized.
True indicates that any calls to
setFontSize() is ignored. |
true or
false |
true |
autoPack | Automatically packs the subcomponents
of the screen property verification point when set to
true . |
true or
false |
false |
autoscrolls | Specifies that when set to
true , mouse-drag events are
synthetically generated when the mouse is dragged
outside of the component bounds and mouse motion has
paused while the button continues to be held down. |
true or
false |
false |
background | Specifies the background color. You can chose from basic, system, or specify the RGB colors to replace the default colors. | java.awt.Color[r=212,g=208,b=200] |
background3DColour | Specifies the background three-dimensional color. | true or
false |
true |
backgroundSet | Specifies whether the background color
is explicitly set for the component. If
false , the component inherits its
background color from an ancestor. |
true or
false |
true |
blockCursor | Displays the full height block cursor,
or underscored cursor. If the window is currently in
insert mode, the block or underscore cursor is not
displayed until you exit insert mode. In insert mode,
the window displays a half-height
cursor.True causes the window to
display a full height block cursor and
false causes the window to
display an underscored cursor. |
true or
false |
false |
bounds |
Specifies the bounds of the rectangle of the object in screen coordinates. Restriction: When you
play back the recorded test scripts by using
Google Chrome on the Linux operating system, the
bounds property verification points of the
document objects might capture incorrect
java.awt.Rectangle[x=0,y=0,width=740,height=570] |
centered | Causes the window to automatically center the text area and operator information area (OIA) within its current boundaries when set to true. | true or
false |
true |
class | Specifies the Test UI class name. For example,
| |
codePage | Specifies the code page property. | 037 |
columns | Specifies the number of columns. This value depends on the screen size chosen for the connection configuration. | 80 |
component | Specifies an object with a graphical representation that can be displayed on the screen and that the user can interact with the component. | Terminal |
componentCount | Specifies the number of components in the panel. | |||||||||||||||||
cursorCol | Specifies the current column location of the cursor on the host screen. | |||||||||||||||||
cursorRow | Specifies the current row location of the cursor on the host screen. | |||||||||||||||||
cursorSet | Specifies whether the cursor for the
component is explicitly set or inherited from an
ancestor. When true , the cursor is set
explicitly. When false , the component
inherits its cursor from an ancestor. |
true or
false |
false |
cursorVisible | Specifies whether the cursor is made visible by screen. | true or
false |
true |
dBCSInputVisible | Specifies the dBCSInputVisible
property (3270 and 5250 DBCS sessions only). When
true , the window displays the
double-byte character set (DBCS) input field. |
true or
false |
false |
debugGraphicsOption | Enables or disables the diagnostic information about every graphics operation that is performed within the component or one of its children. | 0 |
displayable | Specifies whether a component can be displayed. The component can be displayed when it is connected to a native screen resource. | true or
false |
true |
doubledBuffered | Specifies whether the receiving
component uses a paint buffer. When set to
true , the painting is performed
to an off-screen buffer, and then copied to the
window. |
true or
false |
true |
enabled | Specifies that the component responds to user input and generates events. | true or
false |
true |
fixedFontSize | Specifies whether the font size is fixed. | |||||||||||||||||
focus | Specifies whether the component has focus. | true or
false |
false |
focusCycleRoot | Specifies whether the container is the root of a focus traversal cycle. When focus enters a traversal cycle, it cannot leave it by focus traversal unless, one of the up or down-cycle keys is pressed. Normal traversal is limited to this container, and all its descendantxs that are not descendants of inferior-focus cycle roots. | true or
false |
false |
focusOwner | Specifies whether the component is the focus owner. | true or
false |
false |
focusTraversable | Specifies whether the component can become the focus owner. | true or
false |
true |
focusTraversalKeysEnabled | Specifies whether focus traversal keys are enabled for the component. Components for which focus traversal keys are disabled receive key events for focus traversal keys. Components for which focus traversal keys are enabled do not process these events; instead, the events are automatically converted to traversal operations. | true or
false |
true |
focusTraversalPolicySet | Specifies whether the focus traversal
policy has been explicitly set for the component. If
this setting is false , the component
inherits its focus traversal policy from an ancestor. |
true or
false |
false |
focusable | Specifies whether the component can have focus. | true or
false |
true |
font | Specifies the name, style, and size of the text font within the component. | com,rational.test.ft.value/FontInfo[name=Monospaced,style=0,size=15] |
fontname | Specifies the font name. The name must denote a monospace font, such as courier or monospaced. | Monospaced |
fontSet | Specifies whether the font of the
component is explicitly set or inherited from its
ancestor. When true , the font is
explicitly set. When false , the font
is inherited from an ancestor. |
true or
false |
false |
fontSize | Specifies the font size. This property
is ignored when the autoFontSize property is set to
true . |
15 |
fontSizeBounded | Rejects any font or font size that can
cause the screen text to exceed current screen
boundaries when set to true . |
true or
false |
true |
fontStyle | Specifies the font style. The styles can be combined for mixed styles. The possible values are:
Integers from 0
though 2 |
0 |
footerPlace | Specifies the footer placement of the print screen. This method is valid only on Java2. | PRT_SCRN_PLACE_LEFT ,
footerText | Specifies the footer text of the print screen. This method is valid only on Java2. | |||||||||||||||||
foreground | Specifies the foreground color. You can chose from basic, system, or specify RGB colors to replace the default colors. | java,awt,Color[r=0,g=0,b=0] |
foregroundSet | Specifies whether the foreground color
of the component is explicitly set or inherited from
its ancestor. When true , the
foreground color is explicitly set. When
false , the foreground color is
inherited from an ancestor. |
true or
false |
true |
function | Specifies the function of the component. | Host
On-Demand |
headerPlace | Specifies the header placement of the print screen. This method is valid only on Java2. | |||||||||||||||||
headerText | Specifies the header text of the print screen. This method is valid only on Java2. | |||||||||||||||||
height | Specifies the height of the component. | 570 |
hiddenFieldDisplay | Specifies whether to display hidden fields. | true or
false |
false |
hiddenFieldDisplayed | Specifies whether the hidden fields are displayed. | true or
false |
false |
hideUnprotectedURLsMode | Specifies whether URLs in unprotected fields are rendered as hotspots. | true or
false |
true |
iMEAutoStart | Specifies whether IMEAutoStart is enabled. | true or
false |
false |
ignoreRepaint | Specifies whether the component ignores all repaint events. | true or
false |
false |
lightPenMode | Enables light-pen support. Valid for 3270 and CICSĀ® sessions only. | true or
false |
false |
lightweight | Specifies that a component does not have a native toolkit peer. Subclasses of components and containers, other than the ones defined in this package, such as button or scrollbar are lightweight. All the swing components are lightweights. | true or
false |
true |
location | Specifies the location of the upper-left corner of the component. | java.awt.Point[x=0,y=0] |
locationOnScreen | Specifies the location of a component in the form of a point specifying the component upper-left corner in the coordinate space of the screen. | java.awt.Point[x=5,y=85] |
managingFocus | Specifies whether the component focus traversal keys are Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab. | true or
false |
false |
markedAreaPrintingEnabled | Enables printing only a marked area of
the screen when set to true . |
true or
false |
true |
maximumSize | Specifies the maximum size for the component. | java.awt.Dimension[width=2147483647,height=2147483647] |
maximumSizeSet | Specifies whether the maximum size is set. | true or
false |
false |
minimumSize | Specifies the minimum size for the component. | java.awt.Dimension[width=720,height=531] |
minimumSizeSet | Specifies whether the minimum size is set. | true or
false |
false |
morePasteDataAvailable | Specifies whether more data to paste is available. | true or
false |
false |
mouseEnabled | Specifies whether mouse events are handled by the screen. When true the topmost component will intercept and handle all the mouse events. When false, the lower-level components will intercept and handle the mouse events. | true or
false |
true |
name | Value of the name attribute (form elements and frames only). | |||||||||||||||||
oIAVisable | Specifies that the screen displays the operator information area (OIA) when set to true. | true or
false |
true |
opaque | Specifies whether the component is set to opaque. If so, the painting system does not paint anything behind the component. | true or
false |
true |
optomizedDrawingEnabled | Specifies whether optimized drawing is enabled. | true or
false |
true |
paintingTile | Specifies whether the component is
currently painting a tile. When true ,
paint is called again for another tile. When
fasle , the tile is not being
painted or the last tile is painted. |
true or
false |
true |
preferredSize | Specifies the best size for the component. Certain layout managers ignore this property. | java.awt.Dimension[width=720,height=531] |
preferredSizeSet | Specifies that the preferred size is
set to a non-null value when
true . |
true or
false |
false |
requestFocusEnabled | Specifies that the component gets the keyboard focus. | true or
false |
true |
rows | Represents the value of the rows attribute of a TEXTAREA element, indicating the size of the edit control in number of rows of text. | |||||||||||||||||
rule | Displays rule lines when set to true. | true or
false |
false |
sessionType | Specifies the session type.
Integers from 1
through 5 |
1 |
setRasterFont | Specifies the raster font. | |||||||||||||||||
showURLsMode | Specifies whether the URLs are displayed as hotspots, and if so, whether they are rendered with underlines or as buttons. | underlinedURLs |
showing | Specifies whether the component is showing on screen. This means that the component must be visible and must be in a container that is visible. | true |
size | Value of the size attribute of an element. For a select element, this indicates the number of items displayed at the same time in the list. If size>1, the list appears as a list box, otherwise the list appears as a combination drop-down box. | java.Dimension[width=740,height=531] |
skipPrintingDialog | Specifies whether the print dialog is suppressed in printing screen. | true or
false |
false |
toolTipText | Specifies the text that you want in fly-over text or hover help. | |||||||||||||||||
traceLevel | Specifies the traceLevel property (java.lang.Integer) value. | 0 |
traceName | Specifies the trace name for this object. | Terminal |
uIClassID | Specifies the name of the L&F class that renders this component. | PanelUI |
valid | Specifies whether the component is valid. A component is valid when it is correctly sized, positioned within its parent container, and all its children are valid. | true or
false |
false |
validateRoot | Specifies that the entire tree beginning with this root will be validated. | true or
false |
false |
verifyInputWhenFocusTarget | Specifies whether the input verifier for the current focus owner is called before this component requests focus. | true or
false |
true |
version | Specifies the version. | |||||||||||||||||
visible | Specifies that the component is
visible when set to true . |
true or
false |
true |
visibleRect | Specifies the component as a visible rectangle. The intersection of this component's visible rectangle and all of its ancestors' visible rectangles. | java.awt.Rectangle[x=0,y=0,width=740,height=570] |
width | Specifies the width of the component. | 740 |
x | Specifies the current x coordinate of the component origin. | 0 |
y | Specifies the current y coordinate of the component origin. | 0 |