Creating properties verification point

Use a Properties verification point to test properties of an object in your application. When you record the verification point, a baseline of the data is created. Then every time you play back the script, the data will be compared to see whether any changes have occurred, either intentionally or unintentionally. This is useful for identifying possible defects. You can create a verification point while recording a script or you can insert a verification point anytime in the script.

When you create a verification point you can use a dataset reference instead of a literal value to supply variable data to make your tests more realistic. You can use a dataset reference for a string, a number, a color, or a boolean instead of a literal value in a properties verification point. You cannot use a dataset reference instead of a literal for more complex objects such as a font, a point, or a rectangle for a properties verification point.
Note: Avoid creating properties verification point on a higher level control in SAP applications if it contains multiple children controls.
  • The test application is started
  • If you are inserting a verification point to an existing script, open the script and place the cursor at the point in the script to insert the verification point.
  1. Open the Verification Point and Action wizard.
    • If you are creating a verification point while recording, click the Insert Verification Point or Action Command button Insert Verification Point or Action Command on the Recording Monitor toolbar.
    • If you are inserting a verification point on a script, click the Insert Verification Point into Active Functional Test Script button Insert Verification Point or Action Command on the product toolbar.
  2. On the Select an Object page of the Verification Point and Action wizard, use any one of the object selection method to select the object in your application.
    For more information, see the related topic on Selecting an Object Page.
    Note: By default, the After selecting an object advance to next page check box on the Select an Object page is selected. After you select an object, the next page in the Verification Point and Action wizard appears. If you clear the After selecting an object advance to next page check box, after you select an object, you must click Next to proceed to the next page.
  3. On the Select an Action page, click the Perform Properties Verification Point option and click Next.
  4. On the Insert Properties Verification Point Command page, perform the following steps:
    1. If you want to include the children of the selected object for properties verification point, click Immediate or All in the Include Children field.
    2. In the Verification Point Name field, accept the default suggestion, or type a new name.
      This name must follow standard Java naming conventions. The default name is based on the name of the object and the data value you chose to test.
    3. Select the Use standard properties check box if required.
      Standard properties are properties available across platforms and browsers. Nonstandard properties may include platform-specific properties.
    4. Use the Include Retry Parameters to set a retry time for a verification point during playback to check for the existence of the verification point in the application. The retry option is useful when playback does not find immediately the verification point in your application. To set a retry time, either use the default, or set a time of your choice. Maximum Retry Time is the maximum number of seconds that the functional test will wait for a verification point to become available for retesting. Retry Interval is the number of seconds between times that the functional test will check for the verification point during the wait period.
    5. Click Next.
  5. On the Verification Point Data page, edit the required properties data.
    The test object properties and their values are displayed in a tree table format. You can edit which properties get tested in the Property column, and can edit the property values themselves in the Value column.
    • To edit the list of object properties that gets tested during playback, use the check box beside each property. Checked properties are tested each time you play back a script with this verification point. Use the Check All or Uncheck All buttons to select or clear all the properties in the list.
    • To edit a property value, double-click the Value cell and edit it.
  6. Optional: To use a dataset reference instead of a literal value for a property verification point:
    1. In the Property column, select a property, right-click, and then click Convert Value to dataset Reference. The dataset Reference Converter dialog opens.
    2. Type a new name for the dataset variable or click the dataset Variable arrow to select the variable that you want the verification point to reference in the dataset
    3. Optionally, select the Add value to new record in dataset check box to add the value of the verification point to a new record (row) in the dataset.
    4. Click OK.
  7. Click Finish.
    • A warning is displayed if you click Finish without selecting any properties for the verification point in the Verification Point Data page.
    • You can also create a verification point by manually scripting it. For more information, see Adding manual and dynamic verification points topic. Also see the vpManual() and vpDynamic() methods in the API reference topics. Your script can access the same information as the verification points. See the TestObject getProperty() and getTestData() methods.
    • You can change a property value to a regular expression or numeric range, or change one of them back to its original property value, using the Verification Point Editor. For more information, see Replacing an Exact-Match Property with a Pattern topic
    • While inserting the verification point without using the Recorder in the script, the test object is not inserted in the script. You must manually insert the test object for which you are creating a verification point. For example: .performTest( Screen_imageVP() ); script is inserted when you insert an image verification point without using the Recorder. You must include RootTestObject.getScreenTestObject() to the script. The script must be RootTestObject.getScreenTestObject().performTest( Screen_imageVP() ); for the verification point to work.