Updating DevOps Test UI
For some releases of IBM® DevOps Test UI (Test UI), you can install updates for packages that were installed by using Installation Manager. Package updates provide fixes and updates to installed features and might also include new features that you can install using the Modify Packages wizard.
By default, Internet access is required unless your repository preferences points to your local update site.
Each installed package has the location embedded for its default IBM update repository. For Installation Manager to search the IBM update repository locations for the installed packages, the preference Search service repositories during installation and updates on the Repositories preference page must be selected. This preference is selected by default.
See the Installation Manager help for more information.- Close all programs that were installed using Installation Manager.
- Close the Eclipse and Visual Studio IDEs, as well as any open web browsers, and all other applications that are enabled by Test UI.
- Online mode: This method requires an internet connection. Installation Manager connects to the IBM update repositories that are preconfigured when the product is installed, and downloads and installs the update package.
- Offline mode: While connected to the internet, download the package from the IBM update repository and extract the files to a temporary location. Then in offline mode, run Installation Manager and update the installation.