Configuring browsers for testing

You need to configure your browsers for HTML testing with IBM® DevOps Test UI (Test UI). To configue browsers, you must provide name, path, and other information about the browsers.

  1. Click Configure > Enable Environments for Testing from Test UI.
  2. Click the Web Browsers tab.
    This tab is used to add and edit browser configurations.
  3. Add your browser(s) by using the Search or Add button:


    1. Click the Add button to add a new browser manually.

      The Add Browser dialog appears.

    2. Locate the directory containing the browser you want to add.
    3. With the file selected, click the Add button.

      The browser appears in the Web Browsers list.

  4. Read the information in the Detailed Information list.
    Whether you use Search or Add, Test UI displays all the information on each browser. Make any necessary edits.
  5. Select a browser from the list, and then click the Set as Default button.

    The selected browser is set as the default browser, and it is indicated in parentheses. The default browser is used for testing all HTML applications that have not specified a browser. You can change the default browser any time by using the Web Browsers tab.

  6. Click Finish or Apply to save the changes.
    Note: Once a browser has been added, you can edit its information any time by selecting it in the Web Browsers list.