Troubleshooting issues

You can find information about the issues or problems that you might encounter while working with IBM® DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub). Details about issues, their causes and the resolutions that you can apply to fix the issues are described.

The troubleshooting issues are presented to you in the following tables based on where or when you might encounter these issues on Test Hub.
Table 1. Troubleshooting issues: installation




On Ubuntu, when you are installing Test Hub and you encounter errors in the scripts that are running.

At times, scripts might not appear to be running due to any of the following reasons:
  • Slow connection speeds.
  • Insufficient CPU, memory, or disk resources.
  • A firewall that was configured incorrectly is already enabled.
You can complete any of the following tasks:
  • To identify the issue, you can perform a diagnostic check by running the following command:
    journalctl -u k3s
    This command displays the log that you can use to check for the problem.
  • Run the following command to see which pods are running and which pods are not running:
    kubectl get pods -A

    Run the following command to get details about a specific pod:

    kubectl describe pod -n <namespace> <pod name>
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to resolve the errors.
  • Some issues can be solved by re-running the following script:
    sudo ./

On Ubuntu, DNS is not working as expected.

The DNS configuration that is used by the cluster can be displayed by using the following command:

kubectl get cm -n kube-system coredns -ojsonpath="{.data.Corefile}"
The forward setting displays the nameservers that are used. For example, you might see the following in the corefile:
 .:53 {
      forward .

A script ( is supplied for managing these values.

For example, to set the DNS values for the values shown in the previous example:
sudo ./ --server --server
Note: If you do not use sudo in the command, the script runs but the configuration might be lost if the cluster is restarted.
To learn more about the behavior of the script, run the following command:
sudo ./ --help
When running helm install the created pods keep crashing, and the logs contain: ACCESS_REFUSED when trying to connect to RabbitMQ In some instances, the RabbitMQ password is not automatically setup correctly. Manually apply the necessary password:
kubectl exec -n <namespace> <release-name>-rabbitmq-0 -- rabbitmqctl change_password user \
    "$(kubectl get secret -n <namespace> <release-name>-rabbitmq -o jsonpath='{.data.rabbitmq-password}' | base64 --decode)"
Table 2. Troubleshooting issues: server administration




When a user is assigned an additional role, the change in the permissions is not observed in the browser.

You must log out of the session and log in again for the changed role to take effect.

You see the following message displayed on Test Hub:

You can’t request to join a project that has no owners

You requested to join an project that no longer has an owner. Orphaned projects occur when the project owners are deleted. This can occur, for example, when the person leaves the organization.

Ask an administrator to take ownership of the project, and then add you as a member.
Table 3. Troubleshooting issues: remote Docker host




You encounter errors when you attempt to register a remote Docker host.

The computer on which you set up the remote Docker is not running or accessible.

You can issue a ping command by using the hostname or IP address of the remote Docker host computer to verify that the remote host is running and accessible.

The Common Name or Fully Qualified Domain Name in the Certificate Authority does not match the hostname you specified as the remote Docker host.

Verify by running the following command:$ openssl x509 -in ca.pem -text and check the value of the CN field returned. If the names match, this is not the problem. If the names do not match, change the name in the certificate.

The argument -traditional was not specified when you generated the RSA key.

Ensure that you use the -traditional argument when you generate the RSA key.

Connection with the remote Docker host computer fails.

Perform the following steps:
  1. Start the Docker daemon manually in a terminal window on the remote Docker host computer.
  2. Click the Test Connection in the New docker host dialog on the Agents and Intercepts page.
  3. Look for any messages that might indicate the root cause of the problem such as bad certificate.
Attempt to access the remote Docker host computer by using the same CA certificate, Client certificate, and Client key from a terminal window on any computer that is on the same network as Test Hub by running the following command:
$ docker --tlsverify \
    –-tlscacert=ca.pem \
    -–tlscert=cert.pem \
    -–tlskey=key.pem \
    -H=$HOST:2376 version
Where HOST is the hostname of the remote Docker host computer.

The output from this command must be clean information about the version of Docker running on the remote host with no errors or exceptions.

Table 4. Troubleshooting issues: configuring test runs




When you configure a run of a schedule that matches the following conditions:
  • The schedule has two user groups configured to run on static agents when the schedule was created in Test Performance 10.1.
  • One of the user groups is disabled and the asset is committed to the remote repository.
Both the static agents are displayed as available for the test run in the Location tab of the Execute test asset dialog when only one agent that is configured for the user group must be available.
The cause might be because of the following reasons:
  • The schedule was created in Test Performance 10.1.
  • The user group that is disabled is not removed or deleted from the test resources.
  • The agent configured on the disabled user group is already added as an agent to the server project and is available for selection.
To resolve the problem, select from either of the following methods:
  • By using Test Performance 10.1.1.
    Perform the following steps:
    1. Open the schedule in Test Performance 10.1.1.
    2. Save the schedule and the project.
    3. Commit your test asset to the remote repository.
    4. Proceed to configure a run for the schedule on Test Hub 10.1.1.
  • By using Test Performance 10.1.
    Perform the following steps:
    1. Select the disabled user group.
    2. Click Remove.
    3. Save the schedule and the project.
    4. Commit your test asset to the remote repository.
    5. Proceed to configure a run for the schedule on Test Hub 10.1.1.
You have added a remote repository to your project that contains the test assets or resources of the following types:
  • Postman
  • JMeter
  • JUnit
The test assets or resources are not displayed on the Execution page for you to select the asset for a run.

This problem occurs if the server extension is not enabled. Although the extension was enabled at the time of installation of Test Hub, it was disabled subsequently by the server administrator.

You must verify if the server extension is enabled and running by running the following command: kubectl get pod -n devops-system, where devops-system is the namespace that you created to install Test Hub. The server extensions that are running are displayed.

If the server extension that you want is not running implying that the server extension is not enabled. You must enable the server extension. Contact the server administrator to enable the server extension.

Table 5. Troubleshooting issues: test or stub runs




You encounter any of the following issues:
  • When many tests are run simultaneously on the default cluster location and you observe the following issues:
    • Out of memory errors.
    • Observe that the test runs are slow with a high CPU usage.
    • The Kubernetes pods are getting evicted.
  • When you run an AFT suite that contains multiple Web UI tests and you observe the following issues:
    • Error stating that the browser might not be installed or the browser version is unsupported.
    • Error stating multiple random time-outs or an internal error.
  • When you run VU schedules that contain multiple Web UI test or large number of virtual users or a combination of Web UI, performance, and API tests, and you observe the following issue:
    • The test run hangs and the inadequacy of memory can be inferred as the cause in the logs.
The issue is seen when any of the following events occur:
  • Many tests are run in parallel.
  • The memory that is used by the tests during the test run exceeds the allocated default memory of 1 GB.
  • The default memory of the container is not adequate for the test run.
  • Pods are evicted due to low node memory.

To resolve the problem, you can increase the resource allocation for test runs by using the arguments listed in Table Table 6.

You can enter arguments in the Additional configuration options field in the Advanced settings panel of the Execute test asset dialog when configuring a test run.

Important: The memory settings that you configure for a test run is persisted for the test when ever you run it. You must use this setting judiciously. Configuring all tests for an increased memory limit might affect subsequent test runs or cause other memory issues when tests run simultaneously.

In addition, in the JVM Arguments field under the Advanced settings you can set the maximum heap size for the test run time. For example, adding the JVM argument -Xmx3g sets the maximum heap size to 3Gi.

You are not able to run Web UI tests on a remote agent that runs on Linux because the browser fails to launch. Browser launch is prevented when the remote agent runs as root or sudo. To resolve this issue, you must perform the following steps after you have installed the remote agent:
  1. Stop the agent.
  2. Start the agent as the logged in user by performing the following steps:
    1. Open a terminal on Linux.
    2. Enter the following commands:

      cd /opt/IBM/DevOpsTest/Majordomo/

      sudo ./


Note: You can refer to the Kubernetes documentation for information about the different units that can be used for resources in the Additional configuration option fields.
Table 6. Increasing resource allocationYou can increase the resource allocation for test runs by using any of the following arguments:
Requirement Configuration option name Default value, if no value is set An example value Result of using the example value

Specifying the memory limit of the init container.


1024Mi 2048Mi

Increases the memory limit of the init container from the default value to 2048Mi.

Configuring a larger memory request for the init container to avoid pod eviction.




Increases the initial memory request for the init container from the default value to 1024Mi.

Specifying the cpu request for the init container.


50m 60m

Increases the cpu request for the init container from the default value 60m.

Specifying the memory limit of the container used for the test run.
Note: If the memory limit you set is more than the default limit, you must run the following command to increase the allotted limit to 8 GB or any other value above the default value of 3 GB, at the time of installing the server or anytime later:
--set execution.template.resources.limits.memory=8Gi
You must be a server administrator to run this command.


The larger of 3Gi or maximum heap size + 1Gi


Changes the memory limit of the main container from the default value to 4Gi.

Specifying the memory request for the container used by the test run.




Increases the memory request for the main container from the default value to 2048Mi.

Specifying the cpu request for the main container used by the test run.


50m 70m

Increases the cpu request for the main container from the default value to 70m.

Table 7. Troubleshooting issues: Jira and Xray integrations




You are not able to create Jira work items in Jira. You are also not able to view the created work items in Jira that you created in Rational® Test Automation Server 10.5.4 or earlier.

The cause can be due to the change in the authentication method used to connect to Jira in Test Hub 11.0.0 or later.

Reconfigure Jira as a change management system in Test Hub 11.0.0 or later. See Configuration of Atlassian Jira as a change management.

You are not able to export results to the Xray project. You are also not able to view the results exported to the Xray project that you created in Rational Test Automation Server 10.5.4 or earlier.

The cause can be due to the change in the authentication method used to connect to Jira in Test Hub 11.0.0 or later.

Reconfigure the Xray project after you reconfigure Jira Test Hub 11.0.0 or later. See Integration with Xray test management for Jira.