Resetting the configuration settings for a test run

When you are configuring a test run either as a first-run or when repeating the run, and you do not want to proceed with the settings configured or saved for the test run, you can reset the configuration settings. Resetting the configuration reverts all the settings to their default values for the test run.

You must be a member of the project with the Owner or Tester role to run the tests.

You must ensure that you have the Execute test asset dialog is displayed before you proceed with resetting the configuration settings for the test run.

You can reset the configuration settings when you are configuring a test run either for its first run or when you are repeating the test run.

  1. Click Reset in the Execute test asset dialog at any point when you want to reset the configuration settings for the test run.
    • If you have configured some or all of the settings for the current test run and you do not want to continue with those settings, clicking Reset resets the settings to their default values.

    • If you are repeating a test run and do not want to use the saved settings from a previous run, clicking Reset reverts all the saved settings to their default values.

    The settings in the Execute test asset dialog are reset to their default values.

  2. Use the following table to find the default values for each of the settings in the Execute test asset dialog:
    Window or Tab Field or Setting Default value is
    Execute test asset Scheduling the test run Now is selected.
    Execute test asset Label for settings Null or empty field.
    Advanced JVM Arguments Null or empty field.
    Program Arguments Null or empty field.
    Environment Variables Null or empty field.
    ENVIRONMENT tab API test environment The environment configured in the test asset.
    Secrets collection Null or empty field.
    DATA SOURCES tab Override list Null or empty field if the asset has no dataset.
    The dataset in the test asset if the asset has one dataset.
    The first dataset on the list of datasets, which are listed in increasing alphabetical order, if the asset has multiple datasets.
    VARIABLES tab Null or empty field.
    LOCATION tab Agents Null or empty field if the asset has no agents configured.
    The first agent on the list of agents, which are listed in increasing alphabetical order, if the asset has multiple agents configured.
    Docker host Internal Docker host if no remote Docker hosts are added.
    No override options if other Docker hosts are saved in previous runs.

You can complete configuring the settings that you want for the test run. See Test run configurations.