Disabling test steps

When you want to exclude a step or a set of steps under a container from the test run, you can disable such steps in a Web UI test.

You must have completed the following tasks:
  • Ensured that you are assigned a Team Space Owner, Project Owner, or Member with a Tester role to create or edit a test resource.
  • Read and understood the information in Edit branch overview and Create or select an Edit branch.
  • Ensured that your project contains a Web UI test in the test navigator panel.
  1. Click the Edit button, if it is displayed on the Test Editor page. Otherwise, go to step 3.
    The Edit branch dialog is displayed.
  2. Select an existing edit branch or create a new edit branch.
  3. Select a step or a container with multiple steps.
    The step details pane is displayed.
  4. Click the Advanced tab.
  5. Select the Disable checkbox.
    The selected step or set of steps under the selected container are greyed out.
  6. Click the Save icon to save the modifications.
You have disabled a step or a set of steps.
You can clear the Disable checkbox in the Advanced tab to enable the test step.