Viewing the configuration of a team space

You can view the configuration of a team space as a member of any team space on IBM® DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub). You can view the configuration details on the Team Space Configuration page.

You must be a member of a team space.

The Team Space Configuration page displays the configuration details of the team space.

As a member of a team space, if you want to access your team space immediately after logging into Test Hub, then you must suffix the alias in the application URL. You can find details of the alias on the Team Space Configuration page. You can also view the list of members and their roles in that team space on the Team Space Configuration page.

  1. Log in to Test Hub.
  2. Click the Switch Team Space icon from the left navigation pane.
  3. Identify the team space for which you want to view the configuration.
    You can either use the same team space where you are working or switch to any other team space.
  4. Click Configuration under Manage tab.
    The Configuration page is displayed.

    You can view the following details about the team space:

    Fields Tabs More information
    Name Details Displays the name of the team space.
    URL alias Details Displays an alias of the team space. You must suffix this alias in the application URL to access a specific team space after you log in to the application.
    Member Access Details Displays two options for Member Access::
    • Approval required to join the team space.
    • Team space can be discovered by potential members.:
    Description Details Displays a brief description of the team space.
    Members Details Displays a list of members of the team space.
    Repositories Details Displays the details of the repository that host the system model.
You have viewed the configuration details of the selected team space.