Running APIs in command line

You can run the APIs in the command line by adding a bearer access token to authorization header in every API call.

To generate the bearer access token, you must create an offline token.

  1. Click the User icon , and select Create Token to obtain an offline token.
    The token is automatically generated and displayed in the Create Offline User Token dialog.
  2. Click Copy to copy the token and save it in a secure location.
    You may assign the token to variable OFFLINE_TOKEN for using in the following steps.
  3. Generate an access token by sending a POST request to <baseUrl>/test/rest/tokens/ with the post data below:
    The response JSON displays an ‘access_token’ field.
  4. Add HTTP header Authorization with the access token in every API call:
    Authorization: Bearer $access_token

    The following example uses a bash command to start the execution:

    if [ -n "$OFFLINE_TOKEN" ] && [[ "$PROJECT_ID" != *"UNSET"* ]] && [[ "$TEST_HUB_URL" != *"UNSET"* ]] && [[ "$ASSET_PATH" != *"UNSET"* ]]; then \
      CURL_CMD="curl -k"; \
      echo "Getting access token from $TEST_HUB_URL/test/rest/tokens/"; \
      access_token=$($CURL_CMD -H "Accept: application/json" \
      -d refresh_token=$OFFLINE_TOKEN $TEST_HUB_URL/test/rest/tokens/ | grep -oP '"access_token"\s*:\s*"\K[^"]*'); \
      POST='{"testAsset": {"revision": "'$BRANCH'", "name": "'$ASSET_PATH'"},"offlineToken": "'$OFFLINE_TOKEN'"}'; \
      echo "Posting execution to $TEST_HUB_URL/test/rest/projects/$PROJECT_ID/executions/"; \
      execution_rsc=$($CURL_CMD -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \
            -d "$POST" $TEST_HUB_URL/test/rest/projects/$PROJECT_ID/executions/); \
      echo $execution_rsc; \
    else \
      echo "OFFLINE_TOKEN env variable is not set (UI->Account->Create Token) or PROJECT_ID/ASSET_PATH is not set"; \
You ran APIs outside of the Swagger UI by using an offline token.