To ensure that the resource monitoring Java agent starts by itself when the host is
running, you can set up the environment in such a way that the resource monitoring agent can
be started as a service.
You must have completed the following tasks:
To allow remote access to the performance data on Windows 10, you must have
considered the following information:
- The username and password are the same on the local and remote servers.
Otherwise you must have provided remote server credentials.
- The remote user must be a member of the Performance Monitor Users group (start
lusrmgr.msc and add the user to this group).
- The Remote Registry service must be running on the remote host (start
services.msc) and must have verified the Remote
Registry status).
- File and printer sharing must be enabled on the Network Interface of the remote
host that is implied in the communication with the local host.
- You must have activated the following Windows Firewall rules so that the remote
firewall does not block the access:
- File and Printer Sharing (NB-Name-In)
- File and Printer Sharing (NB-Session-In)
- File and Printer Sharing (*)
Download the latest release of winsw.
You can choose to download WinSW.Net2.exe or
WinSW.Net4.exe depending on the version of .Net
framework that you already have on the host Windows.
Create a folder on your local hard drive like
Copy the downloaded executable to this new folder and rename the file to
Create a new text file in the same folder and name it
Copy and adapt the following content to this new RMAgent-winservice.xml file to
set up the offline token:
<name>Resource monitoring agent</name>
<description>This service runs the resource monitoring agent.</description>
<env name="RTCP_OFFLINE_TOKEN" value="(Enter your offline token here"/>
<arguments>-jar %BASE%\RMAgent.jar --serviceUrl=https://<service-host>/rm --projectId=<projet-id> --autoUpgradeDownloadThen=execute:cmd,/c,start,%BASE%\auto-upgrade.bat</arguments>
<onfailure action="restart" delay="10 sec"/>
- Replace <service-host> by the hostname of
the host that runs Test Hub.
- Replace <project-id> which is the number
that you find after /projects/ in the browser's URL when you browse
to this project.
Create a new text file in the same folder and name it
Copy the following content to this new file to upgrade the agent
.jar file automatically:
@echo off
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b /od %BASE%\*.jar') do set newest=%%a
%BASE%\RMAgent-winservice.exe stop
del %BASE%\RMAgent.jar
mklink %BASE%\RMAgent.jar %BASE%\%newest%
%BASE%\RMAgent-winservice.exe start
Start the command prompt as an administrator and change the directory to the
newly created directory: RMAgent-winservice.
Download the agent .jar file that is available from the agents page in the
resource monitoring service, under the Extend the Resource Monitoring
service with agents section and save it to the same
Enter the following command in the command prompt to create a symbolic link
named RMAgent.jar to the agent jar file:
mklink RMAgent.jar<version-and-datetime>.jar
Enter the following commands:
RMAgent-winservice install
RMAgent-winservice start
Notes: In the Services Windows application, you
can check whether the service is up and running. You can see in the
resource monitoring page whether the resource monitoring agent is
disconnected or connected.
The resource monitoring agents write the
logs to the same folder in files named
RMAgent-winservice.err.log and
RMAgent-winservice.wrapper.log. If the Windows
service for the agent is not started or if it is not connected to the
resource monitoring service, verify the log files.
The Java agent starts as a service on Windows. When the
agent is connected to Test Hub, it
is automatically added to the list of resource monitoring sources in Test Hub.
You can monitor the Windows agent by selecting counters.
See Monitoring a Windows Performance host.