Adding repositories to a server project

You can add a single repository individually or multiple repositories simultaneously to a server project to access assets and resources that are available in the repositories.
You must have completed the following tasks:
  • Added a project on IBM® DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub).
  • Been granted permission and you must have set up your credentials to access the remote repositories in a repository domain.
  • Created test assets and resources that are contained in either a single git repository or multiple git repositories.
As a project member with the role of a Project Owner, you can add a single repository or multiple repositories to your project.
Note: You can only add a single repository that is managed by using Git in Azure Repos. The addition of multiple repositories in Azure Repos is not supported.
You can use the information in the following table to decide the method for adding repositories to your project:
When... Action...
You want to add any of the following repositories:
  • A single repository owned by you.
  • A single repository owned by other people.
  • The repositories that are in different domains.

You can add individual repositories one at a time.

You must then provide the complete URL of the repository along with the required credentials to authenticate the connection to the repository from Test Hub.

For example, the URL to a single repository can be as<user>/<repository>.git. You must provide the username and password to access this repository.

You want to add any of the following repositories:
  • Multiple repositories that are owned by you and are contained in the same domain.
  • Multiple repositories that are owned by others and are contained in the same domain.

You can add all the repositories simultaneously that are in the same domain.

You must then provide the URL of the repository domain along with the required credentials to authenticate the connection to the repository from Test Hub.

For example, the URL of the repository domain can be You must select the platform and provide your personal access token to access the repositories.

  1. Log in to Test Hub and open the team space that contains your project.
  2. Open your project either from the navigation pane or from the My Projects page.

    The Overview page of the project is displayed.

  3. Click Manage > Configuration from the navigation pane.

    The Configuration page of the project is displayed.

  4. In the Repositories section, click Add repository.

    The Add repository dialog is displayed.

    You can either choose to add a single repository individually or multiple repositories simultaneously from a single domain.

  5. Perform either of the following actions:
    • To add a single repository, go to Step 6.
    • To add multiple repositories from a domain, go to Step 7.
  6. Perform the following steps to add individual repositories at a time:
    1. Enter the complete URL of the repository in the Git URL field.

      For example, the URL to a single repository can be as<user>/<repository>.git.

      The required authentication fields are displayed that depend on the protocol you specified in the URL.

      If... Then...
      The repository URL contains http or https The following fields for authentication are displayed:
      • Username
      • Password
      The repository URL contains git@ The following fields for authentication are displayed:
      • SSH/Deploy Key
      • Passphrase
      Note: If you use SSH to connect to a remote repository and Test Hub displays an Auth Fail error, you can resolve this error by regenerating your SSH keys by using the -m PEM option.
    2. Enter the credentials to authenticate the connection to the repository.
    3. Click Add to add the repository to your project.

    You can add other individual repositories by specifying the URL and performing the actions in Step 6.

  7. Perform the following steps to add multiple repositories simultaneously that are contained in the same domain:
    Note: You can only add a single repository that is managed by using Git in Azure Repos. The addition of multiple repositories in Azure Repos is not supported.
    1. Enter the URL of the repository domain in the Git URL field.

      For example, the URL of the repository domain can be

    2. Select the platform from the list under Platform where your repositories reside.
    3. Enter your personal access token to authenticate your connection to the repository domain.
      Note: If you do not have your personal access token, you can click Generate to generate your personal access token and use the token to authenticate your connection.
    4. Click Next.

      The connection to the repository domain is established and all the repositories that you own are listed. The time when the repository was last updated is displayed in the Last updated column.

    5. Select the repositories that you want to add to your project.
    6. Click Add.
    Note: Depending on the size of the repository that you are adding, it can take a few to several minutes to add the repository to your project on the server.

    All the repositories that you selected are added to your project and are listed on the Repositories page.

You have added individual repositories or multiple repositories to your project on the server.

You can perform the following actions on the repository that you added: