Test navigator panel

The Test Editor page contains a central hub called the test navigator panel. You can use the test navigator panel to manage and organize test assets in multiple folders of your project.

You can perform the following actions from the test navigator panel:

Actions Descriptions
Search You can search for a test asset in a project by entering the name of the test asset in the Search field.


You can create an application, test, folder or a suite in a project. See Creating an application, Recording a Web UI test, and Creating a suite.


You can modify application components, Web UI tests or suites when you want to run a test asset with different values. See Modifying application components, and Editing a Web UI test.


You can delete a test or a suite when it is not required in your test environment. See Deleting a test, Deleting a suite, and Deleting a dataset.

Properties You can view the details of the test asset by selecting the Properties option, which appears when you right-click on the test asset.
Compare You can view and compare changes made in the edit branch with unpublished changes in the Web UI test or suite. You can select the Compare option, which appears when you right-click the test asset.
Save You can save the changes by clicking the Save option, which appears when you right-click the test asset.

Branch selection

You can view the test assets of a project that are saved in multiple branches by selecting the branch from the Branch list. When you access the Test Editor page for the first time after adding the repository, the global branch is set to the default branch of the repository.

When multiple repositories are added to the same project, the following events occur:

  • The test assets that are stored in the selected branch of each repository in the project are displayed in the test navigator panel.

  • The branches from all repositories are listed in the Branch list.

You can use the following options in the test navigator toolbar when you manage and organize tests, applications, and suites across multiple folders of your project.

Icon Description

You can use the Virtual Folder icon to view folders at different levels. The available options are as follows:

  • Root Folders: Shows virtual folders at the top, followed by the folder structure of the repository.
  • Embedded Folders: Shows the folder structure of the repository first, with files organized into virtual folders.
  • None: Excludes virtual folders entirely, and presents only the original folder structure of the repository.
You can use the Link with editor icon to connect Test Editor tabs to their corresponding locations in the test navigator panel. By using this icon, you can easily navigate and quickly access specific test assets within your project.

You can apply a filter to view folders by their asset type. You can select one or more of the following asset types and apply the filter:
  • Tests
  • Suites
  • Smartshots
  • Datasets
  • Others
You can use the Save All icon to save all the changes made to multiple test assets or folders within your project.