Suites and tests that are supported on DevOps Test Hub
You can find information about the types of Test Suites and tests that you can configure for a run in a project on IBM® DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub).
The following table lists the Test Suites and test types that are supported and those
tests that are not supported to run on Test Hub:
Supported Suites | Supported tests | Unsupported tests |
API tests |
Suites or tests with subscribe actions that operate in the watch mode. |
Individual Performance test |
Postman resources |
JMeter tests |
JUnit tests |
Selenium tests |
Note: You must create Compound Tests for the same type of tests. For
example, you can create a Compound Test that has different mobile tests that use
different mobile testing platforms.
Restriction: You cannot
merge folders that contain different test projects in the same project
directory. For example, you cannot create a project directory that contains a
Performance test project and an API Suite project. You must create separate
project directories for each test type. For example, you must create the
Performance test in the project directory as
/MyPerfProject/ and the API Suite in the project
directory as /MyAPIProject, before you commit the projects
to the remote repository.