Adding UI-related actions and user actions in a test from the UI catalog
When you want to add UI-related actions and user actions to update a test, you can add those steps from the UI catalog. UI-related actions are actions such as opening a new page and adding a new section in the test. User actions are actions such as click, select, type, and key press for user inputs.
- Ensured that you are assigned a Team Space Owner, Project Owner, or Member with a Tester role to create or edit a test resource.
- Read and understood the information in Edit branch overview and Create or select an Edit branch.
- Ensured that your project contains a Web UI test in the test navigator panel.
- Opened the test in Test Editor. See Editing a Web UI test.
Click the
button, if it is displayed on the Test Editor page. Otherwise, go to step 3.
The Edit branch dialog is displayed. - Select an existing edit branch or create a new edit branch.
Click the UI catalog in the Catalog tab
in Test Editor.
The user actions are displayed.
Select a user action to perform the steps as follows:
Catalog element Description Action With You can add a container for a new page, section, or tab on the web page. Perform the following steps: - Drag and drop the With element under any test step as required.
- Click the With step.
The step details pane is displayed.
- Enter a description of the container in the Note text box.
- Enter a title to identify the container in the Context text box.
Open You can add a step to open a URL. Perform the following steps: - Drag and drop the Open element under any test step as required.
- Click the Open step.
The step details pane is displayed.
- Enter the URL of the page to be opened in the URL text box.
- Select Attach to open the URL in a new tab or window.
- Enter a description about the container in the Note text box.
- Enter a title to identify the container in the Context text box.
Click You can add a click action as a step. Perform the following steps: - Drag and drop the Click element under any test step as required.
- Click the Click step.
The step details pane is displayed.
- Right-click a UI object in the Smartshot pane and
select Use this element as step target.
The UI Object type, Click action, and values for Object identified by are displayed. Optionally, you can modify the values that identifies the object.
- Optional: Select the Click here to add additional identifier link to select one more object that works as an alternative target if the first object was not found.
Select You can add a select action as a step. Perform the following steps: - Drag and drop the Select element under any test step as required.
- Click the Select step.
The step details pane is displayed.
- Right-click a UI object in the Smartshot pane and
select Use this element as step target.The UI Object type, Value, and values for Object identified by are displayed. Optionally, you can modify the values that identifies the object by using one of the following methods:
- Enter the values in the Object identified by fields.
- Drag and drop a Property-value pair from the Properties section.
- Optional: Select the Click here to add additional identifier link to select one more object that works as an alternative target if the first object was not found.
Type You can add a type action for entering the text in a text box as a step. Perform the following steps: - Drag and drop the Type element under any test step as required.
- Click the Type step.
The step details pane is displayed.
- Right-click a UI object in the Smartshot pane and
select Use this element as step target.The UI Object type, Value, and values for Object identified by are displayed. Optionally, you can modify the values that identifies the object by using one of the following methods:
- Enter the values in the Object identified by fields.
- Drag and drop a Property-value pair from the Properties section.
- Optional: Select the Click here to add additional identifier link to select one more object that works as an alternative target if the first object was not found.
Press You can add a press action for window controls or supported keys as a step. For example, you can add a step to minimize a window or press Ctrl + M. Perform the following steps: - Drag and drop the Press element under any test step as required.
- Click the Press step.
The step details pane is displayed.
- Select an option from the Press list.
The Press list displays the Back, Close, Enter, Forward, Keyboard, Maximize, Minimize, Refresh, Reset, Restore, and Tab options. If you selected the keyboard option, then the Modifiers and Key fields are displayed.
- Select one or more modifier keys such as Cmd (only for Mac), Ctrl, Shift, Alt in Modifier.
- Enter a name of the key to be used in combination with the modifier in Key.
Click the Save icon
to save the modifications.