Publishing changes of associating or dissociating resources with components

After you associate or dissociate resources in a project with a component in the system model in IBM® DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub), you must publish the changes made to the branch in the project repository so that the association changes are visible to the other members of the project.

You must have completed the following tasks:
  1. Log in to Test Hub.
    The Projects page of the initial team space is displayed.
  2. Click My projects > project_name to open the project that contains the test assets.

    The Overview page of the project is displayed.

  3. Click System Model in the left navigation pane.

    The System Model page is displayed.

  4. Click the Image of the publish icon. icon.
    You can view the options for unpublished changes made to the components and associations in the system model. The options available for association changes are as follows:
    • See unpublished commits
    • Discard
    • Publish
  5. Perform any of the following actions to publish the association or dissociation changes:
    • Review the unpublished changes before you publish them. Go to Step 6.
    • Publish the changes. Go to Step 7.
  6. Perform the following steps to review the unpublished changes:
    1. Select the See unpublished commits option.
      The Your system model changes page is displayed. You can find the following information about the changes that you made to the system model when you associated resources with components or deleted the association:
      • The Edit branch that you selected to contain the changes is displayed in the Branch field. You can select the Edit branch that you used before associating resources to components, if it is not already displayed as selected.
      • The projects that contained the resources, which you associated with components in the system model are listed under the Asset name column.
      • The type of change is listed under the Changes column.
      • The name of the member who made the change is displayed under the Last changed by column.
      • The relative time when the change was made is displayed under the Last updated column.
      • The number of changes that the Edit branch is ahead of from the project repository branch is indicated by the commits ahead option. You can view the details by clicking the commits ahead option and in the dialog that displays, you can discard the pending commits by clicking the Reset option.
      • The number of changes that the Edit branch is behind from the project repository branch is indicated by the commits behind option. The Edit branch can be behind the project repository branch if another member has published or committed other changes in the system model to the same project repository branch. You can view the details by clicking the commits behind option. You can merge all the changes to your Edit branch so that the Edit branch is updated with all the changes made in the project repository branch.
    2. Click Publish.
    3. Enter a commit message in the Description of change field, and then click Publish.
      Note: If you do not want to commit the changes that you made to the system model, you can select the Discard option.
  7. Perform the following steps to publish the unpublished changes:
    1. Click the Publish changes option.
    2. Enter a commit message in the Description of change field, and then click Publish.
      Note: If you do not want to commit the changes that you made to the system model, you can select the Discard option.

You have published the association changes that you made in the system model to the repository in the project. Other members of the team space can view the association changes and use the system model.