Running a Web UI test

You can run a Web UI test in IBM® DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub) after you record the test, and to verify that the web application performs as expected.

You must have completed the following tasks:
  • Ensured that you are assigned a Team Space Owner, Project Owner, or Member with a Tester role to create or edit a test resource.
  • Ensured that your project contains a Web UI test in the test navigator panel.

When you play back the test, the progress bar shows the progress of the test, while the three color-coded boxes display the counts of passed tests, failed tests, and errors. As the test runs, you can view checkmarks for the steps that pass and crossmarks for the steps that fail. After the test run is complete, you can view the overall results on the Results page.

  1. Log in to Test Hub.
    The Projects page of the initial team space is displayed.
  2. Click My projects > project_name to open the project that contains the test assets.
    The Overview page of the project is displayed.
  3. Click Author > Test Editor.
    The Test Editor page and the test navigator panel are displayed.
  4. Click the .yaml file to open the test.
    The test steps are displayed on the Test Editor page.
  5. Click the Try Now icon try now icon to begin the test run.
    You can view the following stages during the test run:
    • In transition: The test setup is in progress.
    • Running: The test is actively running.
    • Complete: The test run is completed.
    • During the Running phase, you can view the following details:
      • A checkmark check mark icon after each step that passes, and a crossmark cross mark icon for any failed steps.
      • The Results tab displays the test as In Progress during the test run.
    • After the test run is completed, you can view the following results:
      • The Results tab displays the test as Pass or Fail.
  6. Click image of an icon to open the Results page, where you can view the results, reports, and logs of the completed test run.
You have run a Web UI test.

You can view the following information:

  • The console output, which includes error messages and logs. See Accessing console output.
  • The results, reports, and logs on the Results page after the test completes the run.
  • The summary of the test run, which includes passed or failed status, count of passed or failed tests or test steps, and the verification points in the functional report. See Viewing a Functional Report.