Running tests from IBM Engineering Test Management

After you create a test case in Engineering Test Management, you can run the test. The test case includes the test scripts that contains test assets of IBM® DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub).

You must have performed the following tasks:
  1. Log in to Engineering Test Management.
  2. Open the test case that you created in Engineering Test Management.
  3. Click the Play icon , and then click Run.
    The Run Test Case dialog is displayed.
  4. Click the ChangeMachine icon next to the Machine field to select the adapter that you configured on Test Hub.
  5. Select the required adapter name from the list, and then click OK.
  6. Click Finish to start the test run.
    The Engineering Test Management dashboard displays the progress of the test case run.
    Note: If the dashboard does not display the progress of the test run correctly, then you must refresh the browser to view the correct status.

You have run the test assets of Test Hub from Engineering Test Management.

You can perform the following tasks:

  • Click Show Result to view information about the test results from Engineering Test Management when the test run is complete.

  • Click Link to Result from Results details to view the test results from the Results page of Test Hub. See Test results and reports.