Modification of Web UI tests

With Test Editor, you can view and customize a Web UI test that is created in Test Hub.

The Test Editor page displays the test scripts. The test script lists user actions and UI elements recorded as chronological sequence of events during the recording session. Actions are presented in the natural language and you can modify the test manually.

The Test Editor also displays the following sections:
When you click a test step, the step details pane that is expandable is displayed with different sections as follows:
  • Smartshot: Displays screen captures with UI objects from the web application under test. You can select a UI object, and add or modify an action related to the object.
  • Details: Displays the object type and values that identify the object.
  • Advanced: Displays options to define a timeout for the step and disable the step.
  • Elements: Displays the elements available on the web page that are captured in the smartshot.
  • Properties: Displays the properties such as class, content, or xpath of the object. The displayed properties are the properties that are captured while recording and they are required to identify the objects during the playback.

The step details pane displays information about the currently selected step and provides options to modify the step. See Editing a Web UI test.