Configuring Jira as a change management

You must configure Jira as a change management in your project in IBM® DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub) so that can create issues in the Jira project for the tests that ran.

You must have completed the following tasks:

With the introduction of OAuth 2.0 authentication for the connection between Test Hub and Jira, you must be familiar with the creation of Apps that are based on the OAuth 2.0 integration. There can be more than one method in the Atlassian Developer console that you can configure the created App. One such method is adopted in the configuration of an App in Jira.

  1. Log in to Test Hub.

    The Projects page of the initial team space is displayed.

  2. Click My projects > project_name to open the project that contains the test assets.

    The Overview page of the project is displayed.

  3. Click Manage > Integration in the navigation pane.
    The Integration page is displayed.
  4. Click Add Change Management Integration option within the Change Management section.
  5. Perform the following steps in the Add Jira configuration dialog:
    1. Enter the URL of the Jira server or Jira cloud in the Jira URL field, and then click Next.

      Test Hub provides the Callback URL that you must use to generate the Client ID and Client secret for the App in Jira.

    2. Click the Atlassian Developer console link.

      The Atlassian Developer console page is displayed.

      Perform the following steps on the Atlassian Developer console page:
      1. Click Create > OAuth 2.0 integration.
      2. Enter a name for the App in the Name field.
      3. Click the I agree to be bound checkbox, and then click Create.

        The App is created in the Atlassian Developer Console and the details are displayed for the App.

      4. Click Authorization in the navigation, and then click Add in the row of OAuth 2.0 (3LO).

        The OAuth 2.0 configuration page is displayed. You must paste the Callback URL provided by Test Hub.

      5. Copy the Callback URL from the Add Jira configuration dialog in Test Hub and then paste it into the Callback URL field.
      6. Click Save changes.

        The App in Jira is configured to authenticate the requests from Test Hub by using the OAuth 2.0 protocols.

      7. Click Permissions and then, click the Configure option in the row of Jira API.
      8. Click Edit Scopes on the Jira API page, and then select the following scopes for your App that are required for a successful connection with Test Hub:
        • View Jira issue data
        • Manage Jira global settings
        • View user profiles
        • Create and manage issues
      9. Click Save to save the App settings.
      10. Click Settings and scroll down the page to view the Authentication details panel.

        The Client ID and Secret must be copied from the Settings page to the corresponding fields on the Add Jira configuration dialog.

    3. Click the Copy icon Image of the copy icon. in the Client ID field to copy the key, and then paste the copied key in the Client ID field on the Add Jira configuration dialog.
    4. Click the Copy icon Image of the copy icon. in the Secret field to copy the key, and then paste the copied key in the Secret field on the Add Jira configuration dialog.
  6. Click Save on the Add Jira configuration dialog.

    You added the URL of the Jira cloud and configured an App in Jira to authenticate the connection with Test Hub by using OAuth 2.0. You can view that the URL of the Jira server or cloud instance is displayed within the Change Management pane.

  7. Click the Configure icon configure jira icon.

    A page in Atlassian is displayed in a browser that states that the App you created previously is requesting access to your Atlassian account.

  8. Read the message that is displayed, and then click Accept.

    When the connection between Test Hub and the App in Jira is established successfully, the Configure Jira project dialog is displayed with the Jira URL that is configured as a change management system in Test Hub.

  9. Select the project in Jira from the list under which you want to create defects.
  10. Click Save.

You configured Jira as a change management system in Test Hub.

You can perform the following tasks:

  • View the following configuration details of Jira on the Change Management about the Jira configuration:

    • The URL of the Jira server or cloud instance.
    • The project that you selected.
  • Create issues for the test results that are available in your project in Test Hub. See Creating Jira issues for the test results.