Test log details

You can find information about the details that are displayed for a test log on the Test log page. You can also find information to use the different options in the UI to change the view of the test log, find details of the events captured, navigate through the log, view or download attachments that are captured.

Before you can view the test log, you must have started a test run and opened the test log that is displayed on the Test log page.

An example of a test log that is displayed on the Test log page is as follows:
Image of a test log in the Test log page.
You can find the following details that are displayed on the Test log page:
Table 1. Test log details
Details about... Examples as displayed in the Test log page...
The project name An example of the project name that is displayed is as follows:
Image of the project name that is displayed on the test log page.
The name of the page An example of the page name that is displayed is as follows:
Image of the Test log page.

You can click the Test log link to view the test logs of all tests that ran in your project, if you are viewing the test log of a specific test run.

The name of the test asset An example of the name of the asset that is displayed is as follows:
Image of the test asset name on the test log page.
The date and time when the test run was started from the Execution page An example of the date and time when the test run was started that is displayed is as follows:
Image of the date and timestamp.
The activities and events captured in the test log are displayed in the Tree view in the Test log panel. An example of the log in the tree view that is displayed is as follows:
Image of the tree view of the test log.
An event in the test log. Details of the event is displayed in the Properties panel. An example of the details that is displayed in the Properties panel is as follows:
Image of the properties panel.

The link to a URL that is recorded in an event. The URL is displayed as a link. When you click this link, the specific URL opens in a web browser.

An example of a link recorded in the event.
Image of the URL link in an event.
An attachment of an event in the test log. The details of the attachment is displayed in the Properties panel. An example of a text extracted from the attachment.
Image of the text contents in the properties panel
The reason of a Verification Point (VP) that is captured in an event in the test log is displayed in the Properties panel. An example of the reason in a VP that is displayed in the Properties panel is as follows:
Image of the reason contents of a verification point in the properties panel
You can perform the actions detailed in the following table to change the view of the test log, find details of the events captured, navigate through the log, view or download attachments that are captured.
Table 2. Tasks that you can perform on the Test log page
Task Action
Changing the Tree view to a Flat view for the display of events in the test log panel.
Note: The Tree view is the default view of the events in the test log.
Click Image of the toggle button icon. to toggle from the Tree view to the Flat view.
Note: You can change the view from the one that is displayed by clicking Image of the toggle button icon..

Expanding the display of events in the test log panel.

Click Image of the toggle button icon. to expand the events that are contained within the event selected in the test log panel.

For example, the collapsed view in the test log panel can be as follows:Image of the collapsed events view in the test log panel.

When the event is expanded, the view in the test log panel can be as follows:Image of the expanded events view in the test log panel.

Collapsing the display of events in the test log panel.

Click Image of the toggle button icon. to collapse the events that are contained within the event selected in the test log panel.

Viewing primary activities when all activities are displayed.

Perform the following actions in the test log panel:
  1. Click the Open action menu Image of the action menu icon. icon.
  2. Click Show only primary activities.

    The primary activities captured in the test log are displayed.

Viewing all activities when only primary activities are displayed.

Perform the following actions in the test log panel:
  1. Click the Open action menu Image of the action menu icon. icon.
  2. Click Show all activities.

    All the activities captured in the test log are displayed.

Viewing failures captured in the test log.
The test log displays events marked with a colored vertical bar as follows:
  • A green bar is marked for an event that passed in the test step.
  • An orange bar is marked for an event that had an error in the test step.
  • A red bar is marked for an event that failed in the test step.
For example, the view can be as follows:
Image showing events marked with colored bars.
You can navigate up and down in the view from one error or failed event to another one by using arrows Image of the arrows icons.

Searching for events in the test log.

In the search bar, you can enter text to find instances of events and properties that match with the text you entered.

As a result of the search, the title of the nodes in the view and the names of the properties are highlighted. When the number of results found is displayed, you can press the F3 key to navigate from one search result to another in the tree view or flat view. You can press Ctrl and F3 to navigate from one result to another in the properties pane.

Viewing the properties related to the event that you select in the test log panel.

When you select an even in the test log panel, its properties are displayed in the properties panel.

For example, the details that are displayed for an event can be as follows:
Image of the properties panel
You can view the following information:
  • The variable in the event is displayed.
  • The date stamp showing the time at which the event was captured in the test log.
    You can toggle between the calendar time and the duration from the time the test started its run in the cluster by clicking the Date and Time toggle icon Image of the toggle button icon.. In the example, the date that is displayed in the Time field is as follows:
    Image of the date displayed.
    When the Time option is selected, the duration that is displayed in the Time field is as follows:
    Image of the duration displayed.
    This time is the time that has elapsed from the start of the test run to the event in the test step.
  • The name of the event.
  • The event ID.
  • Data that was captured as part of the test step. The items that are captured can be images, text files, PDF files, XML files, JSON files, and other supported formats.

    You can view the attachment that is in the Data field, if it is supported to be viewed in a web browser by clicking the attachment. The attachment displays in a browser tab other than the one in which the Test log page is displayed.

    You can also copy the URL of the attachment or download a copy to your computer to use the attachment elsewhere.

Viewing all test logs in the Test log page.

When you view the test log of a specific test asset and you want to return to the Test log page to view the test logs of the other test assets, you can click the Back to test logs option.