Viewing an encrypted dataset

You can use the Dataset page to view the contents of an encrypted dataset from IBM® DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub).

You must have opened the dataset to view the contents.
  1. Perform the following steps, if you have created a classification but yet to add the encrypted dataset to it:
    1. Find the encrypted dataset that you are interested in, and then right-click it.
    2. Click the Security option lock icon in the menu.
      The Change the classification for the dataset dialog is displayed.
    3. Select a classification from the list and enter the encryption key set for the dataset.
    4. Click Save to save the classification details.
  2. Right-click the encrypted column and click Show encrypted data.
    You can right-click the decrypted column and select Hide encrypted data to encrypt the data again.
    Important: The Show encrypted data option is available only when you have added the encrypted dataset to the respective classification.
You have viewed the contents of an encrypted dataset.