DevOps Test Hub licensing information

You can find information about the licensing on IBM® DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub).

To use the features offered by Test Hub, you must purchase licenses. You can then install the licenses on IBM Common License Key Server and configure the details of IBM Common License Key Server on the License Configuration page of Test Hub.

Test Hub requires an additional license when you use the service virtualization feature. You must have sufficient IBM DevOps Test Concurrent Virtual Services licenses to run instances of virtual services that are contained in API Suites on Test Hub.

A single Concurrent Virtual Service license is used from the total number of IBM DevOps Test Concurrent Virtual Services licenses that are configured on IBM Common License Key Server for Test Virtualization when any of the following events occur:

  • An instance of a virtual service is started by running a virtual service resource. A license is consumed for every running instance of the virtual service.

  • An API suite is run that has a scenario that references a local virtual service and an instance of that virtual service is run.

The Concurrent Virtual Service license is returned to the license pool when the virtual service instance stops.

As a Team space Owner, you can add users to the Prioritized Floating Users list from the License Configuration page. The prioritized floating users do not return their floating licenses to the license pool when they log out from Test Hub. IBM Common License Key Server ensures that the licenses are always available for the prioritized users. This feature is useful for those users who generate offline tokens that are used for long-run tests even when the members are logged out of Test Hub.

Remember: A single floating license is used from the total number of floating licenses when you perform most of the operations in Test Hub.
Important: You can perform only the following operations in team space without using a license:
  • Configure IBM Common License Key Server

  • Modify the user roles in a team space

  • Delete the team space

Remember: The floating license that was assigned to you is returned to the license pool when you perform any of the following actions:
  • Log out from Test Hub.

    Remember: The floating licenses assigned to prioritized floating users are not returned to the license pool when they log out from Test Hub.
  • End a session on Test Hub or session is timed out.

  • Complete the test runs on any of the third-party applications that are integrated with Test Hub.


Processor Value Unit (PVU) licenses are not supported for running Test Performance schedules in Test Hub. You must configure floating licenses to run Test Performance schedules in Test Hub.