Configuring licenses for team spaces

As a Team space Owner, you can configure IBM® Common License Key Server for the team spaces on the License Configuration page so that members of the team space can perform various operations such as creating a project, running tests, and so on.

You must have completed the following tasks:

  • Configured the licenses that you purchased on IBM Common License Key Server.

  • Installed the product and signed up as a user on Test Hub.

  • Optional: Created a team space. See Creating a team space.

  • Been assigned the role of a Team space Owner of the team space.

You must have a valid license to work with the team spaces that you create on Test Hub. You must provide a separate IP address or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of IBM Common License Key Server for the team spaces when you configure the licenses. If you provided the IP address or FQDN of IBM Common License Key Server that is already configured for any other team space, then the configuration of the license for the team space fails with an error message. If you delete the team space, then the IP address or FQDN of IBM Common License Key Server used for that team space is released. You can then use that IP address or FQDN of IBM Common License Key Server for another team space.

Note: When you upgrade Test Hub from the previous version to the latest version, then the license configuration of the previous release applies to the initial team space. You can verify the information from the License Configuration page of the initial team space.
  1. Log in to Test Hub.
  2. Click the Switch Team Space icon from the left navigation pane.
  3. Open the team space for which you want to configure the license by using the Switch to option.
    Note: The Switch to option is displayed only if you have multiple team spaces.
  4. Click Manage > License in the navigation pane.
    The License Configuration page is displayed.
  5. Optional: Enter the number of floating user licenses in the No. of floating users (Max) field to limit the number of licenses accessed by users in the team space if you have a shared IBM Common License Key Server.
    Note: The default selection is Maximum. Hence, the number of licenses is limited to the total number of licenses that are available in IBM Common License Key Server.
  6. Enter the IP address or FQDN of the license server in the IBM Common License Key Server field to configure the licenses for the team space.
    Note: You must enter either the IP address or FQDN in the port_number@<IP_address> or <FQDN> format. If you did not provide any port number, the default port number is used for IBM Common License Key Server.

    For example, the value of IBM Common License Key Server can be:


    • 27000@

    You can view the following messages based on the value that you enter in the IBM Common License Key Server field:

    Values Messages

    No value

    Add the missing license details or enter the IP address or FQDN of License Server.

    Incorrect format of IP address or FQDN

    This is not a valid format of IBM Common License Key Server.

    Correct value

    License Server is already in use by another team space owner

  7. Perform the following actions to view or hide the details of the License Server:
    Fields Icons Action Results
    IBM Common License Key Server show_license_icon Click Test Hub shows the IP address or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of IBM Common License Key Server that you have configured.
    show_license_icon Click Test Hub hides the IP address or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of IBM Common License Key Server that you have configured.
  8. Click Check connection to verify the current status of IBM Common License Key Server.

    Based on the availability of License Server, you can view the following messages:

    • License Server is available

    • License Server is unreachable

  9. Click Configure.
    The Licensing compliance dialog is displayed.
  10. Click Confirm to apply the license configuration.

You have configured the license for the team space. The License usage section displays the number of floating user licenses that are currently in use.

Note: The License Statistics displays the Total, Available, and In Use counts for each type of license.
You can perform any of the following tasks: