Registering a remote Docker host

You must register the remote Docker host with IBM® DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub) before you add the remote Docker host to your project in a team space, which contains the test assets that you want to run on the remote Docker host.

Depending on the mode of connection with Test Hub, you must have set up the remote Docker host computer either for a secured mode or for an unsecured mode of connection.

  1. Log in to Test Hub.

    The Projects page of the initial team space is displayed.

  2. Click Infrastructure > Agents and Intercepts in the navigation pane.

    The Agents and Intercepts page is displayed.

    You can view the agents, intercepts or Dockers that are registered with Test Hub.

  3. Click Add new > Add new docker host.

    The New docker host dialog is displayed.

  4. Enter the hostname and the port of the remote Docker host in the format <hostname or IP_address>:<port> in the Remote Docker Host field.
    If you do not provide the port that you configured for the remote Docker host, then the default port that is used is as follows:
    • Port 2375 for the unsecured mode
    • Port 2376 for the secured mode
  5. Choose from any of the following authentication modes to establish the connection between Test Hub and the remote Docker host computer:
    • For the secured mode, which is the default mode and the checkbox is displayed as selected.
      Perform the following steps:
      1. Select Secure mode, if it is not selected.
      2. Click the action labels to browse and select the .pem files that correspond to ca_certificate.pem, client_certificate.pem, and client_key.pem.
      Note: You must have generated the .pem files on the remote Docker host computer and copied the files to your local drive.
    • For the unsecured mode, the Secure mode checkbox must not be selected.
      Perform the following step:
      1. Clear the Secure mode checkbox, if selected.
  6. Click Test connection to test if a connection is established between Test Hub and the remote host computer.
    Any of the following events occur when Test connection is clicked:
    • On a successful connection, a message is displayed.
    • On a failure to connect to the remote host computer, an error message is displayed. You must resolve the error and reattempt to establish a successful connection. You can troubleshoot the connection errors by attempting the solutions provided in the troubleshooting topic.
    Important: The remote Docker host computer must be connected successfully before you register the remote Docker host with Test Hub.
  7. Click Register.
    The remote Docker host that you registered is displayed.
    Important: The remote Docker host must be registered successfully with Test Hub in the team space before you add the remote Docker host to your project in that team space.
  8. Click Close to exit.

You have registered the remote Docker host in your team space with Test Hub.

You can view the Docker hosts in your team space that are registered with Test Hub. See Viewing remote Docker hosts that are registered with DevOps Test Hub.

You must add the registered remote Docker host to your project in your team space before you use the remote Docker host as a location to run tests in your project. See Adding a remote Docker host to the project for running tests.