Viewing a Data definition and its details

You can view the contents of a Data definition on the Data page in IBM® DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub).

You must have completed the following tasks:
  1. Log in to Test Hub.

    The Projects page of the initial team space is displayed.

  2. Click My projects > project_name to open the project that contains the test assets.

    The Overview page of the project is displayed.

  3. Click Author > Data.

    The Data page and the Data navigator panel are displayed.

  4. Select the branch from the Branch list.
    The navigation panel displays all the existing projects in the selected branch.
  5. Find the Data definition that you want to view, and then click it.

    You can either enter the name of the Data definition in the Search field or expand the project and manually search in the Data navigator panel.

    The selected Data definition opens in the Data page and the following elements are displayed:

    Element Description
    The Name column A list of fields and their custom names that exist in the Data definition is displayed in the column.
    The Generator column The generator that is selected for the corresponding field is displayed in the column.
    Note: If any of the fields does not have a corresponding generator, then you cannot preview or generate the test data for the Data definition.
    The Configuration details column The configuration details of each field are displayed in the column.
    Note: The column displays details only when additional configuration is added for the field. Also, if you have added three or more additional configurations, then the ellipses icon is displayed. You can hover over the icon to view the list of additional configuration names along with their distribution values.

    You can also click the column of a field to view the existing configuration details for the field in the corresponding Generator dialog.

    Initials of members The colored avatars, that represent the initials of the project members who are currently editing the data definition, are displayed in the page. You can hover over an avatar to view the name of the member and the branch that they are currently editing. This information can facilitate collaboration and communication among team members who are working on the same Data definition simultaneously. To understand how you can resolve conflicting edits, see Modifying a Data definition.
    The Preview icon You can click the icon to preview the test data in the preview dialog of the Data page. The preview dialog contains the generate icon and the close icon .
    • If you are in an Edit branch, then you can access the Generate icon in the preview dialog only if the Data definition is saved.
    • If you modify the Data definition but not save it, you can still preview the corresponding test data. However, you can generate the test data only after you save the Data definition.
    The Save icon You can click the icon to save the Data definition. If you modified the Data definition and you want to continue using the modified Data definition to generate test data without publishing it, you must save the changes. However, if you want to collaborate with other members of your project, you must publish the Data definition.
    The Generate icon You can click the icon to generate the test data in the CSV format. See Generating data from a Data definition.
    The Delete icon You can click the icon to delete the Data definition. See Deleting Data definitions.
    The Catalog tab Provides a structured overview of the available built-in and custom generators for the selected project.
    The History tab
    Provides an overview of all the previously generated test data. The following information about the history of the generated data is displayed:
    • The month, date, and year of the generated test data.
    • The status of the download that indicates whether the data generation was successful or failed.
    • The number of rows in the generated test data.
    • The initials of the project member who downloaded the generated test data.
    You can also use the following options to work with the past data:
    • You can click the preview icon to review the already generated data before taking any further actions.
    • You can click the generate icon to regenerate the same test data, if required. See Generating data from history of a Data definition.
    • You can click the delete icon to delete specific test data history. You get a clutter-free view of the most relevant data and maintain your data generation history effectively.
    The Details tab
    Provides following details about the Data definition and its associated Git details:
    • Name of the branch that contains the data definition.
    • Description for the Data definition, if any.
    • Git-related details for the Data definition as follows:
      • Asset ID: The ID uniquely identifies the data definition. You also have the option to copy the ID for easy reference or use.
      • Repo: The repository name and path where the Data definition is stored is displayed.
      • Path: The exact location of the data definition within the repository is displayed.
      • Commit: The Git commit message, the name of the member who performed the changes, and the date and time of the commit are displayed.
      • The copy button: You can click the button to copy the complete SHA commit ID for the data definition.
      • The commit ID button: You can click the button to view the changes that were made in the commit directly within Git.
      • The browse button: You can click the button to view the specific location in the Git history where the commit was performed for the data definition.
    The Data definition tabs

    When you open a Data definition, the name of the currently opened Data definition is displayed as a tab in the Data page. Beside this tab, additional tabs with the names of all other data definitions that are currently open on the Data page are also displayed. You can use these tabs to navigate between different Data definitions easily.

    Also, when you hover over the tab of a Data definition, a tooltip is displayed that provides the location and repository details where the Data definition is stored.

    The Branch list The list displays the name of the branch where you currently opened the Data definition. You can also use the list to choose and select a different branch from the available options, if required. You can switch between branches easily.
    Note: The Save icon and the Delete icon are displayed in the Data definition page only if you are in an Edit branch. If you are in a branch other than the Edit branch, then an Edit icon is displayed in the Data definition. You can click the Edit icon to perform any modification to the Data definition. Also, if you do not have either the owner or the tester role for the Data definition, you cannot save, modify, or delete the Data definition.
You have viewed the contents of the Data definition in your project.
You can perform any of the following tasks: