Configuring a test

You must configure a test with two parameters to collect resource monitoring usage data in a time frame when the test is running.

You must have completed the following tasks:

  • Added and configured a source.
  • Created resource monitoring labels for your source.
You can collect resource monitoring usage data during a test run for all types of monitoring sources, and all test types, except API stubs.
  1. Click Execution, In the navigation pane.
  2. Select the test that you want to run and click image of execute icon in the Actions column to open the Execute test asset window.
  3. Click Advanced settings.
  4. Enter the following parameters and values in Additional Configuration Parameters:
    Parameter name Value


    Enter a label name in the second edit field as the parameter value.

    If you enter multiple labels, enter a comma to separate them in the list.
    Example: For two labels with the following names: 'LabelA' and 'LabelB':

    rm.log.labels LabelA,LabelB

    If a label contains a comma in its name, you must add two commas in order to collect the resource monitoring usage data.
    Example: For a label named ‘Label1A,Label1B’, enter the following parameter and value:

    rm.log.labels Label1A,,Label1B


    Enter a sampling period in the second edit field as the parameter value. The minimum period is one second.
  5. Click Add for each parameter.
  6. Click Execute.
The monitoring data is collected while your test is running. You can see the collected data in a graph of the resource monitoring page, even 3 minutes after the test is complete.
You can view the resource usage data on the Resource Monitoring page in IBM® DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub) and Grafana.